View Full Version : Arrogant Doctor!

14-03-07, 16:49

I just got back from seeing my GP at 3.45 and Im still crying. Its now almost 4.45.

I told him Im getting really bad dizziness which lasts most of the day, headaches, palpitations, a feeling like someone is pushing my shoulders down when I go out of the house.

He said, "its just the anxiety"!

Ive been taking 25mg of Nortriptyline for the past month and the above symptoms have really got much worse since then. He has told me to stop taking them, just incase they are causing the problems. I asked him if I could have anymore tests and he said they would cause me more anxiety, waiting 3 months for a head scan, etc.

I asked him to take my blood pressure, he rolled his eyes, and then did it. I saw him do this and I sure he thinks Im a complete nutter.

BY the way, Im 16 weeks pregnant too. It was a really big and difficult decision for me to start taking the meds. He said I should just use Diazepam, but I know this is addictive and can cause problems with the baby.

I really dont know what to do anymore. I feel he has not helped me at all, just made me more anxious and depressed.

What makes it worse, this is the GP who wouldnt help my brother, so he took his own life 2 and a half years ago. I thought he might have tried to help me because of this.
If I change Doctors, how will I know they will be any better.

Liz xx

14-03-07, 17:12
How horrible for you. I'm certain most other doctors would be better than him. Is there another doctor in the practice you could see? Or is there another practice you could register with? More sympathetic doctors do exist, sometimes it feels difficult to find them. I've been having problems with my doctor (who constantly says things like 'There's nothing medically wrong with you!', 'your symptoms don't match anything' and then expects me to go away not feeling anxious!). Maybe you could try going to an NHS walk-in centre - some of them have doctors you could see there (although I think it's just on a one-off basis). Organisations like Bupa offer consultations with GPs, I think it's about £55 - but I presume they'd be keen on going ahead with tests which you'd probably have to pay for on top of that... (that's what's putting me off!!). But I really hope you find a way of seeing a nicer GP.

14-03-07, 17:30
hello, i cant believe the way people get treated by some doctors... i use to faint every month because my period pains were so intense, when i told my doctor she made me feel like i was making it up.. not acceptable at all... anyway, it is worth going to see another doctor, is there a different one in the same surgery??? unfortunatly you wont find out if they are any better until you speak to them.. maybe just go to another one, explain your situation and have a chat about alternative routes you can take to helping yourself. not all doctors are like that, there are doctors out there that are more caring and aware of what you're going through and willing to help, its just a matter of trial and error until you find him/her.. don't let yourself get down because some tw*t is on a power trip though, dont take what he said on board, just find yourself another doctor.. x

14-03-07, 17:36

I must of seen 5 doctors until I found the one, who would listen and help me.
It was very embarrasing going through them but worth it in the end.


14-03-07, 17:38
It is important to have a good relationship with your doctor and you should never feel patronised in anyway by them. Rolling his eyes is just not on!!

Given the history with your brother and the fact you are pregnant and do suffer with anxiety should all be taken into account. Quite frankly his bedside manner sounds like it leaves much to be desired.

I would seriously look into changing your doctor.

Piglet :flowers:

14-03-07, 17:39
Oh lizzie, thats awful.

It really makes me angry that some doctors presume reasurrance is automated in our bodies from the instant they say we are 'fine'. They just don't understand how powerful these physical symptoms are and how effected the patient is every time they experience them.

First of all hun, change your doctor. You don't know if he will be any better thats true-but how could they possibly be worse?! Even the association with your brother alone, i think, is enough to warract a change of doctor.

Just to reassure you, I also get this horrible feeling of being pushed down. Does the ground seem unstable too, with your legs feeling weak and slightly out of sync. It's all a symptom of anxiety hun. Everything from your muscles, your brain and your nervous system is so tired. Have you tried CBT? The more and more I have anxiety and the more I struggle with it, the more I feel its turning all those negative thoughts into postive ones. See how your doctor, whislt telling you you are well- has actually plunged you into a depression?

Its not for everyone, but maybe worth a try. I am actually waiting to get onto it myself and cannot wait!! You are NOT a complete nutter - you need the right kind of encouragement and treatment, in order to enable your tired mind to conentrate on what will eventually will make you feel better. I know how you feel- lost, and without a clue what to do next. It will get better, and your mind does have the capactity to get you there. You just need the right help to get you on the right path.

Seeing the same doctor, isn't the right path by the sounds of it.

Take care and good luck.

Love will x

14-03-07, 17:59
Hi Lizzie

Your doctor has no right to treat you like that. No wonder you are feeling upset and angry. You have every right to be! I am angry for you :mad:

The doctor I had before my current one was not at all understanding so I sympathise.

If your doctor is this bad could another doctor be worse? Why not investigate the possibility of changing. You could find a new doctor is completely different and very understanding.

Congratulations on the pregnancy too!

Karen xx

14-03-07, 18:59
Jeeeze is that doc a muppet or what?

Change docs, the guy is obviously incapable of delivering a service beyond diagnosing a common cold.

I hear this often about some GP's. Most do a great job, but some have the bedside manner of a goat after a bottle of Jack Daniels.

Don't let this unsympathetic GP put you off the NHS, I seen probably 6 different docs in 7 years, one was like him, one women was looking up my symptoms in a book while I sat there (I nearly said give me the bloody book and I will diagnose myself), but the other 4 were very good.

One doc did say to me that some (and don't shoot the messenger) older docs did still have a "pull yourself together" attitude to anxiety and depression.

Pull myself together? do I look like a pair of curtains?

Put your feet up, cup of tea and dismiss him as a muppet :)

Good luck with everything


Freaky Chick
14-03-07, 19:15
Hey Lizzie

I'm sorry you had a bad visit with your G.P, Some Doctors really are complete and utter morons! believe me - i've spent years working in a teaching hospital, and one doctor there i was supposed to work with was about as useful as a chocolate teapot!

On the plus side, there are also some really really fantastic docs out there. My GP is great with me, but wasn't so good 2 years earlier with my friend - but he learnt from his mistake and refferred me to psych services just in case i needed them, rather than waiting for me to need them.

The doc is there to help you get better, if your doc isn't helping, but making things worse then ditch him for a better one, start within the same practice, but if necessary, go elsewhere.

Is your midwife any help? she might be able to refer you to a doc at the hospital to help, as you are pregnant, it might be worth finding out from her if there is anyone she could get to see you about this. Especailly because your G.P seems clueless about medications and pregnancy.

I can't think of any more advice but i can give you a big hug

((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((LIZZIE)))) ))))))))))))))))))))))))

Love Freaky chick:hugs:

15-03-07, 18:27
He sounds like a moron hunny. Are there other docs at your practice or a medical center you can join so you get more choice???

Take care love Matilda