View Full Version : Positivity

04-06-16, 23:33
We all suffer this unpleasant condition in various ways, but I know that some of us who have escaped the worst of it often look back and see positives in the darkness they came through. Anxiety can make you feel like your world has ended, so I think the occasional bit of positivity goes a long way.

With that in mind, I just wondered what one piece of positivity people would share with others? Perhaps there's a simple sentence that you find is important? Or maybe a piece of advice that helped you? If you could share that one example of positivity, what would it be?

05-06-16, 00:33
Nothing stays the same x

05-06-16, 04:58
For me it's what I say in my signature. Having faced death several times, you come to realize what's truly important in life. Many here worry about a serious illness taking their lives to the point that they've already done so. Living with such worries is not living.

Positive thoughts

05-06-16, 08:37
Worrying is like sitting in a rocking chair, it gives you something to do, but doesn't get you anywhere.

05-06-16, 14:45
I got a bracelet made with the inscription "it's what you see...", referring to the last part of the quote, "it's not what you look at that matters, it's what you see."

This reminds me that my perception may be skewed on some things. Me and someone else may look at a rash and they see it as heat rash and I may see it as something totally sinister. But perception can, and does, change.

I don't know why I find it so helpful, I just do. :)

05-06-16, 15:15
If you do what you always did, you'll get what you always got.

05-06-16, 17:24
Keep your face to the sun and you cannot see a shadow x

05-06-16, 21:25
No such thing as spare time,
No such thing as free time,
No such thing as free time,
All you've got is life time.