View Full Version : Brain Fog And Anxiety

14-03-07, 17:17
Are they related? I wasn't aware there was such a thing as brainfog until I got talking to a friend who said she had brainfog, I asked what it was and surprised I have it to. I can't concentrate, I have trouble spelling and my words come out back to front. I should add I don't have it all the time, well the concentration thing I do but the rest I don't. Its also alot worse in the morning.

14-03-07, 18:30
Never heard the term used before, but I think it's very apt for what you're describing! Lack of concentration and confusion is a classic symptom of anxiety. Strange you have it in the morning, would have thought it would have been more common late at night, but I guess it all depends-some of us are better in morn, some at night.

Freaky Chick
14-03-07, 18:37
Hey Sam the Man

I have brain fog as well! Though i usually refer to it as cotton wool or fuzz head, cos it feels like your head is full of cotton wool, and you can't think through the fuzz that's in there. Usually I can't remember what i was doing a few seconds earlier, or i forget what day it is, or where i'm supposed to be.

Either that, or i'll start and not finish a sentance, or make a statement to a conversation, when the subject was passed several minutes before.

It gets worse if i'm anxious or stressed about something, and can end up in me not being able to think of a sentance and form my words.

My fuzz doesn't have a set time of day, it just creeps up on me, though it is worse if i feel down, or if i'm tired. And as for distracted and unable to concentrate....................................... .............Sorry what was i saying?

Yeah i get that too. I can watch a whole tv programme and see none of it, or i make a cup of tea, and 2hrs later it's cold in the kitchen with the teabag still in it. I've even tried putting the kettle in the fridge, and i took a dirty plate up to bed last week, for washing up - in the kitchen downstairs!!

I think it is fairly common, my friend gets fuzz head as well.

Love Freaky chick.

14-03-07, 18:46
I used to get that fuzz too especially when a college after a day at work, I found it really hard to concentrate and just wanted to shut my eyes and go to sleep. Amazingly the disapearance of the fog seems to coincide with finding this website and realising that I have anxiety and starting to deal with it. Now I love college and am actually starting to 'get' what the tutors on about! Only hope its not too late and the fog stays at bay when it comes to my exam!!

19-03-07, 10:27
Wow. I thought that this was another symptom that was unique to me! I tend to get bouts of fogginess. I'll lose track very quickly of what I have been saying, have real trouble keeping my mind on track, find it difficult to spell stuff when I'm taking notes in lectures and generally get myself in a right muddle.
