View Full Version : Over one freckle worry, now another one.

05-06-16, 11:29
Does anybody else have that one HA worry that never really goes away? Mine is currently melanoma. I have am freckley but no as much as Irish skin. My freckles vary from dark brown with 'smudges' but still clear edges - typically look like freckle in a freckle (i've read this is more than likely how my freckles present themselve, 60% of freckles are like this) i then have what i call ginger splodges. My mom has these. Then i have darker, smaller perfectly circular ones.

What concerns me (when i allow it) is the shape of most of them. Some are circular but on inspection 80% aren't! I have one on my calf, one of the ginger splofges that is shaped like a fish. it has a hair follicule within it so it looks darker but it isn't.

I don't want to see a dermatologist. But i don't know if i should?:whistles::unsure:

---------- Post added at 11:19 ---------- Previous post was at 11:10 ----------

Ah, i'm now googling f*ckin aricles 'it was just a normal looking freckle' yeah cheers mate. why woud someone get a normal looking freckle checked out? i am worrying about three now. two are ginger splodges and one is a darker one (still normal looking - i think!) i have jagged edges on some of these darker ones. One on chest too. I don't burn, rarely been abroad, don't use sunbeds, no family history, alays use sun protection. I'm not been cocky and don't want to think i won't get it but online tests say i'm low risk but i worry.

---------- Post added at 11:29 ---------- Previous post was at 11:19 ----------

Sory, talking to myself as i do. I've found a few threads, mostly recent and even this week from other people. Out of the 12 risk factors, I have 2. I freckles and I am i guess fair skined. Like a dark pale though. You wouldn't think woah she's pale. I have some golden tones somewhere. So 1 and 1/2 risk factors.

I also read yesterday that you have 1 in 10,000 chance of a mole/freckle being MM.

My old friends, when I was worried about something else said well that means that 99,999 times you're going to be ok.

I've literally done this to myself today. I GOOGLED. I CHECKED MY SKIN.

Bad Helen, naughty Helen.:mad:

05-06-16, 11:41
Why don't you go see the dermatologist and get a full checkup. I'm sure you're fine but it will ease your mind.


05-06-16, 17:35
I've noticed one freckle i was worrying about was there last year and change? good yes?

---------- Post added at 17:35 ---------- Previous post was at 16:56 ----------

Said freckle wasn't there back in 2009, that I can see from poor photo but was there a few years back and no change? Other freckles was worried have been there for a long time.

05-06-16, 18:36
I'm assuming this is Reb on a new account?

05-06-16, 23:33
I'm assuming this is Reb on a new account?

You noticed that too eh? ;)

Positive thoughts

From another forum... Reb's account...

"So I've stalked photos as far back as 2009 and this one freckle eas definitely there two years just not 100% if it was there as far back as '09. It looks no different to 2014. I'm only worrying because i have nothing else to worry about."

So yeah... I think you're onto something ;)

05-06-16, 23:41
I don't think I can be much help but I am here to tell you that I've been the same way about my freckles and moles on my body. It's scary I know and I'm also extremely scared of melanoma. I've been battling in my mind whether to go to a dermatologist just to get looked at to ease my mind..but that too really worries me and then I don't even wanna deal with it. I hate over analyzing all my spots too.. It's maddening so I try no too but just keeping a friendly eye on them for changes. But I can relate to you and how you're feeling..it sucks.

06-06-16, 04:54
Hardly surprising given the crap she had from certain members and Admin having to intervene a fair bit. I'm sure a little nod to Admin will be winging it's way over though, eh? :winks:

Yep, some people belong to more than one forum. Some use the same user names, there are some I've seen on other forums too. Not a crime though and hardly surprising. I've been wondering for sometime how people go from constant fever pitch posting and riling up certain people on the forum to suddenly taking a break and I suspected they just head for another forum for a while. It's a shame but it's sadly one of the negative outcomes of the frustration that takes place. Something to think about there, maybe?

06-06-16, 06:34
I've got better things to do than report things to admin. Also not sure I was ever negative to Reb. I do, however, wonder why you'd change your screen name when it's obvious who it is. Just becomes pointless. Did something happen to her old account? Not that it matters.

06-06-16, 07:00
I wasn't suggesting you were, ServerError. Anyway, I don't recall you being negative to Reb (quite the opposite), I was thinking of other clashes.

Admin are fine with changing user names, but not multiple accounts. They can resurrect accounts for people who are banned or ask to be removed so not sure on that one.