View Full Version : Walking around in a Fog

14-03-07, 17:19
I would like to know how many others go about their day okay, but always feel like they are in a fog. It's kind of like we are doing okay, but we can't really relish the moment of things nor do things seem completely clear to us. It's kind of like half our brain is focused on what we're trying to accomplish and the other half is feverishly dealing with the anxiety thoughts swirling around.

I hope everyone has a great day.


14-03-07, 17:30
I would like to know how many others go about their day okay, but always feel like they are in a fog. It's kind of like we are doing okay, but we can't really relish the moment of things nor do things seem completely clear to us. It's kind of like half our brain is focused on what we're trying to accomplish and the other half is feverishly dealing with the anxiety thoughts swirling around.

I hope everyone has a great day.


Yep thats exactly what I meant in my thread about brainfog, The doctors say the brain can only concentrate one 1 thing at a time, total rubbish, With this brain fog as you say 1 half .is totally dedicated to anxiety, the other is TRYING to concentrate on what you are doing, usually without much success, In fact with me I'd say it more than half.

70% of my brain focuses on anxiety, the other 30 is concenrating on what I am doing.

It also affects my spelling and speach at times, and is alot worse with me in the morning.

Infact In real life I come across to people as being thick over the head of it

14-03-07, 18:27
Hi Joe,
I know exactly how you feel-trying to concentrate on what you're doing and worrying at the same time. It's just so hard to cope when you're trying to keep up with things at the same time as worrying. I found when I was ill that I could even be worrying subconsciously while trying to get things done. Thing is, you don't feel you can be performing 100% as your not giving your full concentration to what you're doing. My crisis worker told me to setting aside a set time for worrying, so that I could carry on working as normally as poss, then giving full rein to my worries at that time. Difficult, I know, but worth being persistent.
Good luck!

Freaky Chick
14-03-07, 18:49
Yep, that's me. Though sometimes i'm not only fuzz headed, i also feel disconnected, it's the goldfish bowl thing, you feel like you are looking at your life, but it's in a goldfish bowl and your watching it swim around from outside the bowl, you're not really in there attatched to what's hapening!

So basically my head is a goldfish bowl full of cotton wool! - Hmm, wonder if my psch will like that description and self assessment???

Freaky chick.

15-03-07, 10:25
Yep, that's me. Though sometimes i'm not only fuzz headed, i also feel disconnected, it's the goldfish bowl thing, you feel like you are looking at your life, but it's in a goldfish bowl and your watching it swim around from outside the bowl, you're not really in there attatched to what's hapening!

So basically my head is a goldfish bowl full of cotton wool! - Hmm, wonder if my psch will like that description and self assessment???

Freaky chick.i think i have got the gold fishes memorey is it 2seconds u see i ave forgotten lol trish

15-03-07, 16:21
God I hate the 'fog' ...i dont get it every day but certainly after major anxiety...its horrible..I also get the 'depersonalisation' and cant 'feel' for others around me

15-03-07, 16:48
i get this feeling of things not being real sometiomes, i unno if its derealisation but its scary. and im not sure if im feeling that anxious, but the only way i can describe it is i'll feel as if its am ovie and the screen sort of zooms in so its as if im inside my head......thats not very clear but you get what i mean! like ive gone "whoiosh" and im inside my own head, like looking throught a pane of glass or like its on tv.
i also get this thing where i'll just think words or sounds our music or even a word in my head will sound strange....anyone else get this?

16-03-07, 20:21
I think you hit the nail on the head. I wish I'd had your words when I was trying to explain to my therapist this morning how I feel. Yes, I definitely feel like that a lot. It scares me.

God bless you all and good luck.


17-03-07, 13:47
It also affects my spelling and speach at times, and is alot worse with me in the morning.

Sometimes I get this problem with spelling aswell. It sometimes takes me a minute or two to get what somebody is telling me, is this normal and does it mean I have this Brain Fog too? sometimes I get confused in what I am saying and it all comes out jumbled. I mean sometimes I have trouble spelling the day of the week as I seem that confused, will this go away and is it a normal thing to have with anxiety?

I worry I am losing my memory or something...