View Full Version : Hair loss

05-06-16, 15:28
I am seeing a dermatologist tomorrow and I know he's going to diagnose me with female pattern baldness. I'm only 23 and I'm really struggling to cope. Have been losing hair for a few months now. I have put my pics on haor loss sites and they have told me it's definitely female pattern hair loss. I'm worried my boyfriend is going to leave me, I can't eat or go to work.

05-06-16, 16:32
So sorry to hear of your problem. Best not to go by the online sites though and wait to see what the dermatologist has to say.
I can tell you that when I've been in high anxiety mode my hair has fallen out in handfuls in the shower and I had a friend who lost most of hers due to stress. The good news is that it does grow back. (Hers did).
So try not to anticipate the worst and pleas post on here when you've seen the specialist, it would be interesting to hear what they say and what treatment they prescribe.

05-06-16, 16:55
Yes I agree, my hair is falling out like mad at the moment but my dr says it is due to stress and will grow back when the stressor is removed. It is called alopecia areata.

05-06-16, 20:36
Thank you everyone. I have already seen my GP about this who told me to cancel my 150 pound consultation with the dermatologist. She checked my hair and didn't think their was a problem. But like always I need to get 4567893 different opinions and I still think there's a problem. I definitely without a shadow of a doubt shed more than I used to. I can see my scalp more also. I just have a feeling I know what this derm is going to tell me and I'm going to walk out crying.

05-06-16, 21:34
This could most likely be caused by stress. It could also just be a normal process. I advise you to not worry. Besides, hair loss is already being cured as we speak so you wouldn't even have to worry if you had anything. :)

06-06-16, 22:15
Hi guys I went to see the dermatologist this evening and he said he thinks it's stress related hair shedding. I was really worried about female pattern hair loss. He said he was 90% sure it wasn't and he would eat his hat if it was. Why am I say here worrying about that 10%?

06-06-16, 22:22
Yeah that would have been my guess. But I will say that hair loss for a guy can be depressing (though fortunately I still have a full squash) enough. But for a female it can be 10 times as bad I would imagine. However I have seen bald women (by choice) and I think they are very attractive. And if my wife lost all her hair I would find her just as appealing and would love her just as much as I always have. It wouldn't matter to me.

As far as the 10%...because you have HA! I was losing my hair at the height of my anxiety but when things calmed down the hair stopped falling and I regrew it back.

You will too.


06-06-16, 22:36
Thank you Noivous, my boyfriend has said the smell thing to me. I've got so bad that he's told me he's going to take all the mirrors out of the house. I think it's more of a question as to whether you can love yourself. I have a lot of imperfections and I'm sure many people do. I really just don't think I'd cope.

I thought this appointment would quell my fears completely. I keep trying to tell myself that no doctor would be able to tell me that I'm 100% never going to get cancer and it's the smell for this. Never have liked what ifs and that really fuels my HA.

06-06-16, 23:21
I hear you Ker. But unfortunately life is nothing but what if's. And that's not always a bad thing. We (HA sufferers) have to learn that. someone once told me if you want to make God laugh tell him your plans.

I honestly positively feel you have the same problem I had in regards to hair loss. It will end for you as well. In fact I know it will. It's always amazed me that the very last thing we think is the problem should be the first thing we think is the problem - our anxiety. Enjoy your boyfriend, friend.


06-06-16, 23:31
Here's my guess:
With anxiety, your nervous system is constantly under pressure, constantly in a panic state. This is why people with anxiety develop visual symptoms, because their nervous system is causing these panic symptoms aka things like visual snow. The body also becomes hyper aware of things, like regular lumps or floaters or twitches or anything for that matter. You could possibly be triggering a not known distress response causing your body to shed and regenerate your hair extremely fast. I know it doesn't make sense but yolo. You should be fine. Feel good soon!