View Full Version : Off sick for the third time

05-06-16, 19:21
Been suffering with really bad anxiety and low mood over the last few weeks and have had to takedowns time off work again

I have worked there for nearly 6 years and this is my third time I have had to take time off due to anxiety / low mood

I hate being off work and makes my days very long but just had med change and feel really bad with lots of physical symptoms and sleeping problems

Feel bad that I am off again and my wife doesn't understand and thinks i should just get on with it and do more around the house as I'm off

Can anyone relate to my problem ?

05-06-16, 21:23
Absolutely! The last thing you probably feel like doing is housework! Having said that, it might make you feel a bit better if you can manage a few small tasks. It sounds like your wife doesn't really understand. My husband is the same. He thinks he's helping but he doesn't really get it, and deep down I know he's thinking 'pull yourself together'!
Don't worry about work. I'm sure they would rather you be well than struggle on.
Hopefully your meds will kick in soon and you will feel a lot better. What meds have you changed from and to, if you don't mind me being nosey?

06-06-16, 12:11
Hi , they have put me on probagin and upped my quetiapine , I also take citalipram and propananol , just have no energy at the moment and feel so tense inside X

What are you taking and do you work ?