View Full Version : Leg Pain With No Bruise

05-06-16, 20:12
Hi everybody,

I caught Bronchitis from one of my kids this past week and I've spent three or four days coughing and hacking on the couch with very little energy or appetite. Since I've been sick, my anxiety has been VERY high. I'm trying hard to talk myself out of things on a daily basis.

Yesterday I noticed that there's an area on my lower right calf just above my ankle that hurts like a bruise. I asked my husband to rub it for me, and that seemed to only make it worse. I don't know if I got a charlie horse or what... But I'm worried about blood clots. I'm only 30, and I'm not extremely overweight or anything.

It's not red, it doesn't look bruised, it's not hot to the touch.... It just hurts. I'm wondering if it could be a pinched nerve or something, because I've also had a crawly restless leg feeling in that same calf....

Just trying to not panic over a blood clot....
