View Full Version : Alcohol, Liver, IBS?

05-06-16, 20:26
Hi all,

I haven't been on here in a little while as my anxiety symptoms have seem to improved a bit, yay! I would, however, like an opinion on something I've been experiencing lately.

I have alway drank socially, never really had any problems. I have noticed in the past few months, if I drink more than 1-2 glasses of anything, I feel sick. I'm not a heavy drinker, but I did have too much wine a few weeks ago and was sick the entire next day- almost thought I needed to go to the hospital. Finally, I started feeling better and got my electrolytes back up. Please don't think I have a drinking problem---it's very rare I drink that much! But anyway, I went out last night and had 2 glasses of wine and 2 beers over the course of 6 hours. I woke up in the middle of the night sweaty profusely and feeling panicky...Today my legs are achy, I've been having some stomach problems, and just feel sick to my stomach. Just seems like 4 glasses should not cause these symptoms- maybe I'm wrong?

I am a little concerned because I have dealt with horrible gastro problems since having my gallbladder removed a couple years ago. The doctor's can't find anything else wrong, but I haven't been to see the dr. since the alcohol intolerance has begun. I am worried it could be a liver problem? I did have glandular fever/mono about 4 months ago. Would there be any other symptoms attached to this? Really, I'm just wondering if anyone else has experienced these symptoms and if you know what could be causing it.

Thanks in advance.

05-06-16, 20:38
The sulfites in wine can make you feel sick to your stomach. Usually if I down more than a couple of glasses of red wine, it gives me diarrhea the next day. Alcohol can do a number on your stomach. It messes with the delicate balance of stomach bacteria, which makes you feel crummy. You could eat yogurt or take a good probiotic to reset the flora in your stomach. Sometimes our GI tract just decides it can't handle a certain food- salty stuff, acidic stuff, spicy stuff, alcohol, etc.- and you find that something you used to enjoy just doesn't sit well anymore.

My stomach did that to me with pineapples. I LOVED pineapples, and then one night I ate some and woke up with terrible heartburn so badly I threw up. I can't eat them at all anymore without them burning up my chest. Favorite food no more. Sounds like maybe this is the case with you and alcohol if your doctor has checked and can't find anything else going on.