View Full Version : feeling really low

14-03-07, 17:42
hello - not sure if this is going to work as I have never done a forum like this before. I am feeling so low and anxious. I have tablets from the GP, a lovely supportive husband, a georgous 3 year old son....but I just feel so terrible. I cannot see an end to it. I feel like every day is another wasted day and I cannot believe I have not really had a good day yet in 2007..and it is middle of March. Does anyone know what I mean?

14-03-07, 18:21
Dear Helen,
I'm sure we can all sympathise and understand exactly how you feel. It sounds as if you may be suffering from anxiety/depression, which feels like being trapped in a very long dark tunnel with no end in site. Often, there's no main trigger or reason behind our unhappiness, which is perhaps worse as there's nothing really you can do that will have immediate effect, and it makes you feel guilty, when you've got nothing to feel guilty about. How long have you been on the pills? Have you thought of any form of counselling/therapy? The good news is that there is an end to depression and you will start feeling better, though it's easy to lose sight of that and get frustrated.
I hope you find plenty of support on here,
Take care,

14-03-07, 18:56
Absolutally, know what you mean hun, i have days where i just feel like "i don,t belong here" but when i think about what i,ve got to, a surportive husband, two beautiful daghters and a wonderful dali called domino, whom never judge me, i feel "Blessed." HAVE A READ OF THIS , hope this makes you feel better. Ijust want somebody to make me laugh out loud,i just want someone to make me smile.:hugs: :hugs:

Freaky Chick
14-03-07, 19:28
Hey Helen

You really are not alone, you may feel like you are in a dark and dingy place at the moment, i've been there too, and some days i still am. I also get frustrated at feeling the way i do, and not feeling like anything i do gets me anywhere close to where i want to be.

I can promise you 2 things.
1. there is a light at the end of the tunnel
2. the light at the end of the tunnel is not a 200 tonne train

It may feel like it sometimes, and unfortunately recovery is slow. But you've taken the first steps! you are on this site, talking with us and you have medication.

Counselling can really help you get through this, your doc should have a list of ones local to you. One tip i found has really helped me through some of my darkest times, was to write down a minimum of 1 good thing a day in a good things book - it can be anything that made you feel slightly good - for instance, sun was shining, it felt good, saw a nice bunch of flowers, my boy did a really nice painting. You have to grasp the good feeling and write it down and ignore the but... so no BUt it rained later, or but he got paint on the walls, hand on to the good bit.

Then you can read it back to yourself, especailly when you having a bad moment, and you have black and whte, pen on paper good things that have happened to you today, this week, this year.

It really has helped me so much. One of my entries for today is the sun was shining and it made me feel happy.

Hope this helps you

Have a free hug from me
:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Love Freaky Chick

14-03-07, 22:04
Thank you for the replies I got. I have been through all this before, but when it happens again you just can't believe its happening again. I want to believe I will feel better but when you feel so physically and emotionally drained it is hard to believe. What is the best way to use these forums? Any advice? Thank you for you time in reading this.

14-03-07, 22:09
Hi Helen

Welcome aboard and ovely to see you here.

Hope we can be of some help.

Feel free to post wherever you want and read as much as you can.

Have you read the website as well?

15-03-07, 10:47
Hi Helen

Sorry to hear you are having such a tough time. I know how you feel. You will get lots of help and good advice here. Things will get better, it just takes time.
Take care

15-03-07, 11:09
Hi Helen and a very big welcome to the site - I'm sure you will find support and reassurance here! :D

Piglet :flowers:

15-03-07, 15:32
Hi Helen
Isn't jsut so horrible when you feel you will never get better and can't even imagine it. I found that so frustrating. I think all you can do for now is try re-find you. Make some you time. Which is hard with a hubby and tot aroung the place. Can you get a relaxing bath on an evening ( with a trashy mag) or get out to go swimming, or a facial or reflexlogy?

Just something that is for YOU.

Try to stop worrying about your boy ( though that must be reallyhard) cos' he will be fine. You just need to find you again. I have a 2 yr old and I was worried I'd be destroying his life cos' I lost all ability to cook, clean etc... But he was pretty happy with his daily lunch of crackers and cheese for a few months!

Has the Dr mentioned councelling? You should have a word about that when you next go and please tell the GP how bad you really feel.

Never be afraid to ask for help. People love to help but they are often shy in coming forward.

If you need help then you will get it here - so keep posting.

Hugs xxxxxx Hugs xxxxxxx Hugs