View Full Version : You CAN get better, I have!

05-06-16, 22:02
I just wanted to make a thread to say and demonstrate that things do get better. You can fully recover from the anxiety problems many of you here are facing.

I hope this thread doesn't come across as me being smug or thinking that this anxiety stuff is easy because i'm certainly not smug and anxiety is not easy, it is the worst thing I have ever experienced, I didn't realise these levels of fear and emotional/psychological pain were even possible. So I have empathy for everyone here and just want to share my story to give some hope to those struggling.

So I joined this forum nearly 4 years ago now, near when all of my anxiety issues started. I had no idea what was going on with me back then and I was sure I was going to die, either that or be inflicted with some strange debilitating disease. There was no way I could ever envisage feeling normal again when I felt that ill, anxious and strange.

The list of symptoms and odd experiences I had were endless, I won't go into all of them here but feel free to look at some of my previous threads over the years and you will get the general idea. I have had numerous medical tests, Eye tests, Blood tests, urine test, food intolerance tests, Lyme disease tests, Ultrasounds, ECG's, CT scans, Video Fluoroscopy, brain MRI, the list goes on.

I have been on many medications such as propranolol (Beta Blocker), Citalopram, Sertraline, Fluoxetine (SSRI), Clonazepam, Diazepam, (benzodiazepines) and Zoplicone (sleeping tablet) all at various times over the last few years. I am off all of them now, medication free.

About a year ago, I was under the care of the crisis team as I could just not face living another moment of I felt. I was going to be admitted to the physc ward but they decided to treat me at home and visited me every day with my medication etc and to check how I was getting on.

I cannot tell you the amount of times over the last 4 years I have felt like there was no way back from what I was experiencing. I honestly thought and felt like I was brain damaged and unable to function.

So enough about the anxiety and all that comes with it. A year on from probably the worst period of my life, I feel I can say I have come out the other side and I have recovered. I just want people to know that it is possible and the nightmare you are living in now will pass. It's not easy but hold on and have the belief you will get better and you will.

However bad you are feeling, you always have options. There are so many things you can try. From medication to counselling, CBT, EMDR, EFT, meditation, Yoga, Trauma release exercises, Reiki, Body psychotherapy, Amanae, acupuncture, Chinese medicine. There are more extreme things you can try and new ideas to treat these conditions are coming up all of the time. The list is endless.

One thing I started doing when I was at my worst was to "Give myself a week" by that I mean however unbearable I felt in that moment, however convinced I was that I could not get better and could not go on. I said to myself "I will give myself a week" However awful I feel I will force myself to hold on for a week before doing anything drastic and then reassess how I feel in a weeks time. Without fail when I held on and forced myself through the next few days by the time a week had come around I was in a different mindset, I may not have been feeling completely better or feeling good but I was feeling different and was out of the totally unbearable non stop panic and anxiety and was well enough to continue on. Don't get me wrong, I was in a perpetual state of anxiety for months if not years with little relief but using this method I was able to just about keep my head above water and make it through the worst days.

There aren't any magical techniques I used to get better but a combination of things over a period of time that have bought me to where I am now, feeling well, healthy, clear headed and calm and ready to get on with my life and leave anxiety behind. I won't list everything I have done to get better here but if you any questions feel free to ask.

You CAN and WILL get better, you can come back from rock bottom, accept whatever anxiety throws at you, float though it and have the belief that it will pass, because it will and you will get back to a normal, happy and fulfilling life :)

05-06-16, 22:08
Great post and well done. It's so good to hear these stories as it does feel like I wont ever stop thinking dying sometimes. I will have a look at your past threads just to see that people can experience all these things and come out of it completely fine, thanks for posting

05-06-16, 22:19
Great to hear a success story. What would you say helped you the most? x

05-06-16, 22:24
Well done on fighting your demons. I totally agree on it being finding the right combination that works for you as an individual. I hope you're very proud of yourself, enjoy your laughter and smiles, you earned them!

05-06-16, 22:38
Great to hear a success story. What would you say helped you the most? x

I would say one of the main things for me was to stop obsessing about "getting better" or "feeling normal". I was just so fed up of always feeling strange and unwell. I never felt well or normal and was always trying to get to a point where I felt better so I could carry on with my life but I was so obsessed with trying to feel better that it actually had the opposite affect and kept me feeling like crap. When I started to accept how I felt and just accepted it for the time being while having the underlying belief things would improve in the end, slowly but surely over time I started feeling less and less odd and having less symptoms and less anxiety until I got to a stage where I had to think about when I last felt really anxious and strange. Then I had the realisation "wow I don't actually feel that bad" and thought back to how bad I was before and realised how far I had come.

Other stuff like having a good diet, exercise, generally taking care of myself, trying yoga and meditation, some acupuncture, all added to giving me sense of well being that I could build upon.

Of course there are deeper issues that many of us have to work through in therapy etc but the building blocks of having a basic routine, eating well, exercise, relaxing are what many people need and once you get going you can work on whatever comes up along the way.

05-06-16, 22:53
I would say one of the main things for me was to stop obsessing about "getting better" or "feeling normal". I was just so fed up of always feeling strange and unwell. I never felt well or normal and was always trying to get to a point where I felt better so I could carry on with my life but I was so obsessed with trying to feel better that it actually had the opposite affect and kept me feeling like crap. When I started to accept how I felt and just accepted it for the time being while having the underlying belief things would improve in the end, slowly but surely over time I started feeling less and less odd and having less symptoms and less anxiety until I got to a stage where I had to think about when I last felt really anxious and strange. Then I had the realisation "wow I don't actually feel that bad" and thought back to how bad I was before and realised how far I had come.

This is me, and exactly what I need to do, stop waiting to feel 'normal' putting my life on hold til I'm symptom free, its hard and scary but atleast I know which way I need to go

05-06-16, 22:55
Thank you for such a positive post, with lots of good advice. It has given me a little bit of hope that I won't always be this way x

06-06-16, 14:33
Thank you for such a positive post, with lots of good advice. It has given me a little bit of hope that I won't always be this way x

No worries. Yes I just want it to give people some hope and belief that recovery is possible. Take care.

06-06-16, 15:41
This kind of thread is always genuinely helpful to me. I often feel that people would improve quicker if they read more success stories and carried out fewer Google searches. Tackling the fear that anxiety causes is so important.

06-06-16, 17:14
Thank you so much for your words of encouragement and support to us who are still struggling. When I read stories such as yours it gives me hope that one day I WILL get better and be able to function again as a normal human being.

Well done on your hard won recovery - you should be very proud of yourself!

06-06-16, 17:48
Great post! :yesyes: I hope others are inspired to take the dragon by the horns as you have.

Positive thoughts

07-06-16, 14:45
wow.. I have literally just finished writing the exact thread!
I have come back to this site after a while being away ..

I hope my thread will be of comfort to others as yours has been!

well done on fighting the demon anxiety.. welldone for floating.. welldone for sharing your success story..

09-06-16, 14:43
wow.. I have literally just finished writing the exact thread!
I have come back to this site after a while being away ..

I hope my thread will be of comfort to others as yours has been!

well done on fighting the demon anxiety.. welldone for floating.. welldone for sharing your success story..

That's great to hear Lottie, well done to you too. Good on you for sharing your story that will help others and give them some hope for the future.


02-10-16, 19:39
Still going strong here, just to remind you all there is hope. You will come through this struggle. :)

02-10-16, 21:10
This is an amazing post. I love it. The give it a week thing is like a ray of light to me. Tonight I have been thinking, just try to get thru the next week. But your post shows that it can be a really useful way to get through the bad times. So I am going to try to Give It A Week. Thank you :hugs:

02-10-16, 21:27
Wonderful positive post, thanks!!!!

02-10-16, 22:23
This is an amazing post. I love it. The give it a week thing is like a ray of light to me. Tonight I have been thinking, just try to get thru the next week. But your post shows that it can be a really useful way to get through the bad times. So I am going to try to Give It A Week. Thank you :hugs:

Glad to hear it helped :)