View Full Version : concerned about old/degraded medication?

05-06-16, 22:12
There's a spare cupboard in my kitchen full of medication. Some of the pills are quite old and have fallen out of their packets and I've been meaning to clean out this cupboard but I have a serious contamination phobia, especially when it comes to chemicals and medications.

I'm worried about effects of breathing in or accidentally consuming even tiny fragments of old medication and it's putting me off cleaning out this cupboard. I don't want to use any cleaning agents either in case they combine with the meds and produce toxic chemicals.

It's really freaking me out and even though I was wearing gloves during the cleaning I had a panic attack feeling like the chemicals were getting into my system, and had to go sit in the shower trying to rinse off. I have an irrational fear of it getting on my skin or hair or mouth and poisoning me. If this sounds crazy it probably is - I must say I'm not thinking rationally at all. My mental illness interferes with my perceptions.

The medications are just beta blockers, some old penicillin and some lansoprazole, but I still can't face cleaning them in case they've degraded over time and could be toxic. What should I do? Can I hire a hazardous waste cleaner to help me clean up or is that stupid for such a small task?

05-06-16, 22:17
Why not have a chat with a pharmacist? I am sure they are safe to remove, and you could bag them up and take them to the pharmacy for them to destroy x

05-06-16, 22:25
Good advice, I'm planning on taking all the unopened ones down there tomorrow, but I'm most concerned about the pills that have fallen out of their packets or been opened and sitting around for a long time. Some of the pills have softened or broken up and there are tiny little pieces of them everywhere, I'm really nervous about inhaling them or getting them near my mouth.

05-06-16, 22:59
Could you wear one of those disposable masks you get in diy shops? Then you could throw that away (in a bag if it helps) x

06-06-16, 01:42
Blow it up. Problem solved
(Call your pharmacist)

06-06-16, 02:48
Truly not a concern. Just use common sense and dispose of the old meds(.) period. Realistically, what are the chances of inhaling med dust and what could possibly be the consequences of inhaling (no chance IMO) expired med dust? Based on what you said and the meds involved? :huh:

Positive thoughts

06-06-16, 18:30
Thanks guy. I called the pharmacist and I think I'm just going to buy a DIY mask and clean it with water. I have a serious fear when it comes to chemical exposure, so I don't want to take any chances. Just a weird phobia I have. I'll need to be more careful with keeping and disposing of medications in the future.