View Full Version : It's been going on for 14 years, I need answers!

05-06-16, 22:38
As you can tell from the title, I have an ongoing issue that's been happening now for 14 years (started when I was 9) and it's getting worse every day.

It started with sniffing. Just a general sniff here and there. As the years went on it progressed to, what I can best describe as, a "snuff". Basically, I just breathe out really fast through my nose so it sounds like a snuffing sound. I've been told I sound like a dog in the past...

Nowadays, it's really bad. I do it every time I breathe out. In fact, I can't remember the last time I breathed properly. I now just call it "my breathing thing" and people have come to know it as that. It irritates the hell outta people and the amount of times I've been told to "shut up and just breathe" it's uncountable. If only it were that easy.

To add to this, I also clear my throat after almost every breath and, this is hard to explain, but push my stomach out in almost a spasm(?) movement. It's all a bit weird and it's all very uncomfortable. I've been to the doctors so many times over the years and they've told me they're all just habits that will eventually go. They haven't. I've tried hypnotherapy, physiotherapy, spoken to a therapist, prescription drugs and nothing has ever worked.

It's now getting to the point where I feel completely out of control of my body. I tell myself to breathe properly these days but it never works. I've tried all the exercises under the sun, they work for the time I'm thinking about them but the minute I stop them, it all starts again.

Today is the final straw and I'm reaching out about it to find out if there is anyone else that has these things? I thought just earlier "How the hell can I be so out of control of my own body? Why can I not stop myself from doing it?" :wacko:

I'm warn out. At the end of the day, I'm exhausted. My body aches all over from all the rapid movements. This'll sound crazy but I feel like my body is against me. When I tell people I can't stop, I really can't but no one understands that.

This is the biggest "I'll tell you the short story" ever but I've recently been getting the following symptoms and I'm so out of my depth:

- nausea and actual vomiting
- abdominal pains
- chest pains
- fatigue
- migraines
- cold sores
- irritability
- increased heart rate
- panic