View Full Version : Day 22

06-06-16, 07:36
So this is day 22 and this morning I woke with hardly any anxiety and it felt strange it still does I've been used to feeling anxious in the morning for so long now.
The thoughts keep popping In and out but not as strong but then I think I may act on them as there not bothering me as much I've waited soon to feel myself again and at times I do I no its still early days wish I never bothered taking any meds at all but here I am and I must now ride out the storm that is with me.

Hope everyone is ok today and wishing you a happy day day

Becky x

06-06-16, 09:24
Yaaay Becky! Hopefully things are on the up now for you :yesyes:

06-06-16, 09:37
Good for you Becky. Thanks for your support. Onwards and upwards.

06-06-16, 10:35
Just need to get rid of them thoughts now them the world is my oyster lol hope
Hope u are both well x