View Full Version : Please read an reassure me!!! Breathless day after drinking alcohol!

06-06-16, 16:30
I drank a lot yesterday and was hungover this morning and sick now I'm feeling breathless and have that dentist waiting room feeling, am I going to die?? Has anyone else had this!!

And yes I am planning on cutting down or stopping drinking but now so scared.

I have been sick a couple of times so I could be dehyrdrated but am drinking lots or I guess it could be aching muscles but feels like an elephant is sitting on my chest!!!

06-06-16, 16:53
Yep, you have a hangover. A real bad one it seems. Sleep it off if possible, drink lots of water, maybe an alka seltzer and eat a small meal if you can.

Spend the day in bed, you'll be fine tomorrow.

06-06-16, 17:00
Thanks for replying. Have had hangovers before e.g. headache and feeling sick, but can't ever remember feeling like this :weep: Is this common??

Should I be worried? And this may sound dramatic but should I go to a&e?

06-06-16, 17:11
How much did you actually drink?

06-06-16, 17:13
Quite a bit, bit of a binge, as I say bad I know and I have learnt a lesson! Do you think could be serious?? Please someone reassure me!! I'm so worried this could actually be a panic attack I guess... I'm obviously breathing I know and can talk fine but feel like I can't

06-06-16, 17:19
It does sound like a panic attack Louise. You are worried because you had so much alcohol yesterday, but you are able to write a coherent post and to understand that it is probably the side effects of the booze causing you to feel this way.

If you had alcoholic poisoning these would be your symptoms:

The signs and symptoms of alcohol poisoning include:
seizures (fits)
slow breathing (less than eight breaths a minute)
cold, clammy, pale-bluish skin caused by a dangerous drop in body temperature (hypothermia)

You don't seem to have any of those so sounds like you are fine and it is just anxiety that's making you panic.

06-06-16, 17:38
I was sick this morning, would I know by now if was alcohol poisoning?? I was drinking yesterday, I also feel shaky but I think that is fear as I do have the panic dentish waiting room feeling in tummy!

---------- Post added at 17:24 ---------- Previous post was at 17:20 ----------

Oh lordy have read about something called holiday heart, could it be a heart attack??

---------- Post added at 17:29 ---------- Previous post was at 17:24 ----------

Could it be GERD? When I cough at the moment I do taste acidy and like something is coming up.... and I do keep burping...

---------- Post added at 17:30 ---------- Previous post was at 17:29 ----------

Oh god now ive read about alchol cardiomopathy, heart failure oh my god!!!!

---------- Post added at 17:35 ---------- Previous post was at 17:30 ----------

My mum and friends think I'm being silly :wacko:

---------- Post added at 17:38 ---------- Previous post was at 17:35 ----------

It is worrying that none of you get this though...

06-06-16, 17:46
And this may sound dramatic but should I go to a&e?

There's been posts like this ad nauseam (good word choice ;) )recently. If you go to A&E and tell them what you've told us, you'll get the same advice. This is self inflicted. Hydrate and ride is out.

Positive thoughts

06-06-16, 17:48
Thank you for your reassurance! :) Ah I couldn't find threads on this but will have another search x

06-06-16, 18:53
Don't search for anything. You have a bad hangover. Trust me, I've had hangovers, and then once in a while I'll have the absolute worst hangover with palpitations, vomiting, pains, anxiety (anxiety is very common with a hangover!!) and then it goes after a day - or two the older I get.

Stop looking for things online, drink water or gatorade, maybe order a pizza and then go to bed. You'll be doing a lot better tomorrow!

06-06-16, 23:02
Alcohol spikes release of Serotonin. We are often remarked as having too little. We get put on SSRI's so we waste less of it. So, on top of the hangover, you could be struggling because your body needs to build me of it in your brain to restore balance. So, aside from anxiety over feeling rough anyway, the ability to cope can decrease too.

This will correct itself. Eat foods aimed at Serotonin building to help it do it's job.

07-06-16, 10:21
I don't feel perfect today but better thanks everyone. Didn't get a great nights sleep as kept feeling like I wasn't breathing right even more lying down and I find there are only certain positions I can sleep in, namely on my stomach with one arm under me across my body which tends to compress my chest a bit anyway so won't have helped!

Still feeling like I'm not doing proper breaths, particularly that not exhaling well :-( I expected it to be completely gone by now but fretting in the night probs continued on the anxiety, I'm just trying to take slow breaths, good job my office buddy knows me well and that I'm not completely crazy lol! (just maybe half crazy)

Really hoping this is just anxiety, the more I read on google the more scary conditions I find, like you can even have asthma onset as an adult, argh! I'm even wondering if dun da dun dun I have lung cancer (I don't smoke by way).

Do you think I should be more right as rain by now...

---------- Post added at 10:21 ---------- Previous post was at 10:03 ----------

Terrified I may also have something like sleep apnea as well as the look of those cpap machines scare me to death and I can hardly think my boyfriend would find me attractive with one!!

07-06-16, 10:26
I've read quite a few alcohol posts like yours and most people do seem to have a few days until they get back to normal. This is another reason why I think about the body rebalancing it's brain Serotonin levels.

It's like when you have a stressful event and it throws you off for a few days. But it's always worst the day after and seems to get better from there. So, just be kind to yourself and let it disappear.

I have asthma, I've had it about 30 years. It's not a big deal, it is so common these days and very easily controlled with meds. People with asthma run marathons these days. So, don't ever fear that, it's only ever the smaller numbers of severe sufferers that are those that need a lot of help. Most of us just get on with things and puff an inhaler twice a day. I'm not saying you have asthma though, just that people with HA shouldn't fear it.

It's just your HA trying to have it's way. If you ended up with a migraine from the hangover that bothered you as much as this breathing has, it would probably be trying to convince you about a brain tumour. So, try to stay away from Google and give yourself time to see it go away.

---------- Post added at 10:26 ---------- Previous post was at 10:25 ----------

the look of those cpap machines scare me to death and I can hardly think my boyfriend would find me attractive with one!!

You never know with us blokes! :winks:

07-06-16, 11:32
Thanks Terry, I like your theory, feel better that you've read others saying it can take a few days for things to settle!

If it was heart disease or lung cancer I would have other symptoms right??

07-06-16, 12:43
Imagine how much of a coincidence it would be for anything else to suddenly appear at the same time as you over did it on the alcohol?

You definitely had a hangover and you mentioned drinking too much. As a HA person you will also focus more on those unpleasant sensations so they end up even more pronounced to you. The anxiety levels go up over this and that lack of Serotonin will decrease your defences, ability to cope with the current situation and can make your mood low.

The diseases you are fearing wouldn't suddenly pop up due to the alcohol and many of the symptoms of that hangover, and the anxiety is has spiked, wouldn't fit to the diseases you are fearing. Doctors don't just look at matching symptoms, they look at ones that don't fit too. That way they eliminate things and that's how we have to look at the symptoms we often worry about.

07-06-16, 13:17
Sounds like anxiety and a hangover but you could ring 111 for reassurance which is the NHS advice line. Try putting something on tv or getting some distraction to calm your mind and drink water but the 111 service might help reassure but as an anxiety sufferer i know what it's like to want reassurance and it's a viscous circle. :)

07-06-16, 13:49
So I tried 111 and they offered an emergency ambulance! I should have known they would as obvs they can't see me etc I refused and so now they want me to talk to a nurse, ugh silly me they only have me panicing more now, of course that's what they were going to say to breathlessness, I know a couple of people who got ambulance sent against their will as well!

07-06-16, 13:56
God, i hate hangovers. I get one every few months now and I always think how did i survive uni with having one EVERY DAY! They are the worst, i actively choose not to drink much nowadays just to save me from the hangover.

07-06-16, 16:50
Well the nurse eventually called and recommended I try something like Gaviscon, managed to talk her round from the ambulance! Think it would have to be worse or have gone on for longer before I go that far!

She also mentioned since I had been sick a few times yesterday it may be that my stomach had moved up (!) and needs time to move back down! This is probs consistent with the tightness in the chest as it can push on the diaphragm apparently...

It has been a drama filled day!

07-06-16, 17:10
Hope you are feeling at least a little better :)

07-06-16, 18:24
I am feeling a little better! I'm trying to make myself believe this is just anxiety and not anything sinister like a heart attack. The hangover and vomiting seem to fit that its just related to anxiety and having been sick. I can't find much on if you can pull muscles in stomach, chest when vomiting but it must be possible right.

At 32 I couldn't possibly have liver cirrohsis could I, I do drink regularly... (just asking as this came up as another cause, Grr!

Do appreciate all the replies though has helped me loads to decide it porbs is just a bad hangover when thinking rationally xx

07-06-16, 19:16
Like i always get told, you should not use dr google as its no help and can be misconstrued. I try lay off it as experience shows its rarely helped :)

07-06-16, 20:13
Yes, I am trying to stop consulting Dr Google. I'm guessing having pulled muscles in chest vomiting probably could be causing the heavy feeling

Isn't helping that my dad is now telling me how stupid I am etc, as he thinks I am making it all up, I mean why would you??

---------- Post added at 20:13 ---------- Previous post was at 19:50 ----------

Ok I will def stop googling now as condition called ALS came up and this is a progressive muscle wasting condition

08-06-16, 07:59
Ok do feel loads better but now have diarrhoea and it did say in the ranitidine tablets was taking could cause this as a side effect, great! Anyone had this reaction to a tablet that is basically this ingredient ��

08-06-16, 10:07
Take it from me: I've ruined the last year of my life due to health anxiety from Googling symptoms. I've found that it turns into an obsession very quickly and no answer would ever satisfy me. It's almost like I was looking for something new to worry about every day and Google (and irrational thinking) were giving that to me on a plate.

For example: at the beginning of this year I Googled for low humming tinnitus which I was hearing at night and it felt like a vibration inside my head. Google (or more accurately my anxiety) led me to believe that I had MS and of course the C word in various forms. I didn't have all the symptoms but I had one or two and that was enough for me to continue spiralling.

I kept looking out for other symptoms like double vision, and lo and behold when I looked at certain contrasts of text - ghosted vision. That has led me down searches thinking I'm going blind with hundreds of different conditions even though opticians have told me my eyes are fine in the last few months but I continue to hang onto those words I've read online believing there's something wrong.

In short: Google will always return an array of answers from "it's fine" to "OMFGGETTOTHEHOSPITALRIGHTNOW", I don't want you falling into the same trap. Just rest up, promise yourself not to search as it doesn't help your body whatsoever. It'll cause stress and anxiety which will throw up all sorts of random symptoms and stop your body from recovering as quick as it would normally.

Good luck and remember: you'll be fine :)

Edit: oh and in relation to ranitidine - yep, it'll do that :D

08-06-16, 10:30
Hi there!

If it's any consolation I get HORRIBLE anxiety and panic attacks when I have a bad hangover and it takes me at least three days to recover - so I rarely drink like that now - it just isn't worth it. I'm always sick the morning after (GP said alcohol irritates the stomach lining) and I'm breathless and have visual disturbances and a massive surge in OCD. I feel breathless and nauseous and frightened - can't sleep properly and can't keep anything down. I found chamomile tea helped me quite a bit - soothes the inflammation and calms the mind.

I also have loose bowels for a few days after drinking - alcohol irritates the bowel too.

Hope you feel better soon - hangovers are horrible in anxious people xxxx

08-06-16, 10:41
A nurse going from sending an ambulance to recommending Gaviscon! Definite overkill and I'm pleased you stopped them wasting their own time.

Vomiting can mean muscle strain just like excess coughing can. Plus anxiety can mean muscular tension so you feel really stiff.

Despite still feeling rough you are getting on with your day and that shows that you are capable. And when I see someone bringing names of multiple physical disorders and diseases into their worries, often with them having very different symptoms, it's a good indicator of catastrophizing and how anxiety is looking for all possible risks.

08-06-16, 12:38

The bottom line is you overdid it. You know it, I know it, everyone here knows it. Some people can handle it, many with anxiety cannot. You obviously are of the latter category.

Drinking is a conscious decision. This was a self inflicted wound. Perhaps next time the opportunity arises, use a visual technique in that the drink is a loaded gun and you're pointing it at your head. Each drink fires another shot. Pretty hard to recover from that eh? ;)

Glad you're feeling better. A two day hangover too! I haven't had one of those since my 20's with a Tequila bender... yeah, I ate the worm ~ughhh~

09-06-16, 16:17
Hey, thanks so much for your replies. Managed to get through work yesterday despite tummy troubles and the feeling of the elephant on my chest has passed.

Woke up this morning though still with a very dodgy tummy and was feeling weak and listless, possibly dehydration I think, I'm probs losing fluids faster than replacing them (sorry!). Decided to take day off to recover and relax, went to local pharmacist to see if he thought should do anything but he didn't seem concerned and said he doubted I needed a doc unless the tummy probs went on for more than a week (eek I'm booked to see Chitty Chitty Bang Bang on Sat better be able to go, tickets were expensive...). He did also mention the heat is probs draining fluids too you're right. I did buy some rehydration sachets though and have had two of those and am planning something light to eat as probs not been eating enough.

Now I'm feeling much better overall so thanks again for the support, just need to get more energy and perk up and lose the light headedness, I'm guessing that is just what an upset stomach usually takes out of you, I'm just hardly ever ill to know! Boo I really am hardly ever run down! Hate feeling less than 100% Never had a bad time with alcohol before....

---------- Post added at 16:17 ---------- Previous post was at 16:15 ----------

The lightheaded dizzy feeling and lack of energy does sound normal for my tummy troubles right? x

09-06-16, 17:01
Glad you're feeling better. Could have been a stomach bug that was helped out by the booze upsetting your stomach.

You're progressively getting better over the course of a few days so I would say you have absolutely nothing to be concerned about. You just caught a bug or had one of those really bad hangovers we sometimes get.

Enjoy the weather, enjoy the weekend, relax and enjoy life! And the football... if that's your thing!

09-06-16, 19:55
Thnaks still feeling mostly ok bar feeling abit weak, I shall try to enjoy the lovely weekend and hopefully will be back at work tomorrow. My boyfriend still thinks I should go to docs but if a pharmacist didn't take me seriously and thought I was silly for asking to speak to him I can just imagine my oh so sympathetic (not) docs face lol x

Hope you have a good weekend too x

11-06-16, 19:31
Truly awful day today! After feeling loads better Thursday night and most of day Friday I had tickets for the theatre today so thought I would be well enough to go. Wrong! Nightmare of a day, was dizzy throughout and breathing has been awful, I have a heaviness on my chestboth above and under my boobs! My boyfriend was mad cause it was a downer on the day and he like my dad thinks I am putting this on and need to man (perhaps woman) up!

I am burping like crazy even with water, do you think this could all be gerd started off by being sick at beginning of week..... I've been reading gerd can cause dizziness and a feeling of shortness of breath!! I may start a new thread for this as not sure this is related to my hangover at all!!

If its not gerd it can only be really terrible things like lung cancer or caridiomyopathy or other heart probs.... oh god, what a week, now what a weekend!! Only other thing is muscle strain caused by making myself cough and by stretching of my neck and body (my back is killing me now as well lol!) Could that cause feelings of pressure?

I do have a slight cold as well so you never know I guess it could just be that and its all just cos Ive been focusing on my breathing...

Pharmacist thought I had nothing to worry about.....