View Full Version : So anxious i feel physically sick, anything i do makes me anxious

06-06-16, 20:21

Im wondering if anyone could help me. Im so anxious at the moment i just dont know what to do and cant see a way out :(

Ive had anxiety since i can remember, but thought it was normal. It wasnt until i finished University, that i realised i had a serious problem and it wasn't normal.

Im wondering if anyone else has had similar symptoms? Basicly i panic, and have anxiety attacks over anything. I wont go on a night out or restaurant, because it makes me panic. The gym gives me anxiety, so wont step in there, anything i do gives me a panic attack. The thought of going on a night out makes me feel phyisically sick, and if i plan to go out, ill be nervous and feel sick days in advance. Its got to the point last year where i was getting so stressed out from the anxiety, that i even began getting anxious around around friends and felt really odd- as in i felt like i didnt really know them, this was the scariest symptom, the most awful thing. Im not sure if its called de-realisation or depersonalisation? Has anyone experienced this? Over the past week its started to come back again, and i just don't know what to do :(. Last summer i managed to completely get rid of my anxiety, and i couldnt believe how bad it was and how id put up with it for so long, and now its come back, i cant figuire out how to get rid of it. Even getting on trains, i remember having to get a train to work, and would feel sick all night, and have an anxiety attack when getting on a train- if it was quiet i would be better, but if it was busy, i just couldn't handle it. It got to the point where i would miss a busy train, and wait for another one not in rush hour, an hour/ hour and a half later.

I feel awful because i keep cancelling on friends, because when it comes down to doing something so simple, i just cant do it. Its like i cant arrange anything, because as soon as i do, i start to panic. I honestly dont know what to do :(

If anyone had any advice or help that would be great,

Kind regards,

Holly x

07-06-16, 01:59
i also sometimes feel so anxious i feel mentally sick - not like im actually going to throw up though

one thing though that did help today was getting some rest

i found myself so stressed i thought i was going to burst

i fell asleep and then woke up much more relaxed

of course now that ive thought about other issues, im stressed again but at least the main feeling sick to my stomache feeling that i had earlier, sort of went after rest

so i would say getting rest is important, as i think tiredness and physical exhaustion can fire up anxiety

07-06-16, 19:25
Hi there , I really feel for you being so young and suffering in this way , I'm 46 now and the first time I felt like you do I was 17 after taking some mushrooms ( big mistake ) no internet back then so really freaked out derealisation wasn't a word the doc would know , I felt like I'd dropped on to another planet , the hope I can give you is my first episode only lasted a year and I held down a job and still had a social life for the next ten years I had a lot of fun going out to concerts , festivals etc and had two daughters , it can pass and you can have your life back just don't push to hard the more you push yourself to get better the longer it takes you have to just go with the flow and you will start to forget the way you feel right now , good luck in the future .

07-06-16, 23:51

