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06-06-16, 21:01
So I have been on cit for two weeks today. Feeling much better than the first 10 days , that was tough. However I am still full of anxiety, sweating hands, when I think about work I get physical anxiety. Again I am questioning whether cit is the right drug? It only seems that propranolol takes the physical anxiety away and when that's not there I feel very normal. I am right in saying that the cit will not take the physical aspects of anxiety away? I am not depressed or low, apart from the obvious. Any thoughts?

06-06-16, 22:32
Hi Andy, I too experience major anxiety connected to work but I feel as the weeks go on I'm becoming more able to deal with the physical effects and they are lessening. Hang on in there!

06-06-16, 23:08
My issues with anxiety are really only physical symptoms when I went on Cit and it did help me greatly with them. It took months to kick in though.

07-06-16, 00:41
Propanolol is a beta blocker, so it will treat high blood pressure and high/irregular heart rates. If that's the only thing that bothers you then by all means, an SSRI may not be needed. Only you can answer that though.