View Full Version : Urine leakage

06-06-16, 22:45
Hi everyone,
I'm sorry if all of this is Tmi but would really like some advice from anyone who is able to give it. I've noticed that I leak a bit of urine now and again and often find my underwear is a bit wet. sometimes it Happens after having gone to the toilet and other times it happens out of the blue. I'm currently crying to myself in my room as I fear it's all connected to every ache and pain that I get and that I have some sort of life threatening illness.

Can anyone relate or help me.

Thanks for your time

06-06-16, 23:20
It sounds like stress incontinence, which sounds worse than it is.

It's like when you uncontrollable laughter and pee your pants.
Well, stress can do that too. It happens to me on occasions and always when I am very stressed or deeply worried about something. It can also happen during panic.

The good news is that the problem in question can clear up of it's own accord and the best thing to do to avoid this is to go to the loo at regular times to prevent this from happening. I mean go to the loo, even if you don't need to.

It is not life threatening and very common, especially to people that suffer from stress.

06-06-16, 23:22
Thank you. I thought stress incontenance was just from laughing and sneezing and not actually caused by someone who is stressed and unhappy?
I'm thinking cancer and all sorts.

06-06-16, 23:49
I had this problem on and off for years and years when I didn't have it all.