View Full Version : Water up nose in Nepal, scared of Naegleria Fowleri

07-06-16, 07:43
Hi everyone, I'm in Nepal and I'm worrying a lot about Naegleria Fowleri. Basically what happened is:

- Was shaving and trimming face. Rinsed small pair of scissors under the warm tap. The water is, I think drawn from a well beneath the building, and apparently untreated well water can be hold naegleria. The water is then stored in a solar heater on the roof I think. It's been pretty hot in Nepal.

- I've been using warm water tap for 6 weeks but first time I used it was brown-coloured and smelt of rust, so I'm worried pipes could harbor amoeba. The water is barely ever even lukewarm - I've had 2 hot showers in a month of using the same water, but it was hot today, making me worry that it sits warm for ages or something

- I used the scissors washed in tap water from warm tap to try and trim nose hair. Then I got worried and thought I should rinse nose to ensure no tap water got up it

- I used drinking water for this, drawn from a large blue watercooler-style bottle and applied from a refilled plastic bottled water bottle. Been drinking from this source for ages - the water is cleaned somehow, not sure what method but similar drums are ozone, UV, osmosis - it's main source of water for people here

- However, I accidentally snorted the drinking water. It went up into my nose, far enough to come out my mouth

Since then (3 days ago) I've been worrying that I will get naegleriasis and die. Either from washing any residual tap water from the scissors up my nose, or if the drinking water itself was contaminated

On Sunday (2 days ago) I had a TDaP vaccine. I feel tired, under weather, headache twinges and an odd feeling in the sinus on the side I got the water up. I'm worrying a lot and keep thinking I have days to live, and I will be worrying at least til the 7 days usual incubation period has passed (and some cases with small initial infection can take 15 days, so I have that to worry about too).

Any advice/help would be really appreciated. Thanks :(

11-05-18, 08:36
did u got any help