View Full Version : Flashes in corner of right eye

07-06-16, 11:06
Hi everyone I just got back from the opticians and I'm being referred to the hospital. I went for a check up and told him that I'd been getting flashes of light every now and then in the corner of my eye. He put drops in to dilate my eyes n gave me a good check up he said it's just the protocol he needs to follow to send me for a second investigation 🤔Me being me thinks otherwise so now I have to try n stop myself from panicking 😩Please tell me someone else has had these symptoms and it's nothing to worry about xx

07-06-16, 12:23
I've had stuff like this for years and I've been to both my gp and optician but they told me it was due to my andrenalibr levels been high caused by anxiety x

07-06-16, 12:43
What so you've actually had this in the corner of your eye?

07-06-16, 13:29
I've had flashes, floating lights, visual snow the works x

07-06-16, 22:34
Yes, very common. I've had it on and off for years.

07-06-16, 23:36
I've had it too. mainly when lying down, only the right-hand side and only had it since having anxiety. I also had a check up at the opticians and everything was fine.

08-07-16, 01:46
I've had this for the last 8 months. I went straight to an Opthamologist retna specialist.
Mine is called post vitreous detachment. It is a normal occurrence in our eyes as we age. The lite flashes are the vitreous tugging on the retna.
He told me it will eventually stop on its own but if I see a shower of floaters or see a black shade come over my vision I need to get in right away.

09-07-16, 08:08
I recently went to the optician with the same problem, as well as floaters that don't go away. She said the same...everything looked on on her end but she's referring me on because the ophthalmologist can see even further behind the eye if there are any problems there. If there are, it's treatable. Because she saw nothing herself, she said it isn't urgent. It's actually, somehow, something I'm not too panicked about for once.

10-07-16, 06:45
What NancyW said is exactly right. Normal due to aging.

16-10-16, 20:13
I've had corner flashes (particularly outside corners turning head side to side while backing out of driveway at night)...had them at least 10 years...I was told by an ophthalmologist it was vitreous "tugging". As we get older the vitreous humor gets thicker.....most times it's nothing to worry about....if a tear in the retina occurs...it's easy to fix with a green laser..painless.....I had it...just don't directly look at the beautiful green laser..that's the hardest part.......the flashes btw can disappear on their own in time...I didn't have them for the longest time until the other night I was backing out of the driveway and there they were...as soon as I stopped turning my head back and forth they stopped.