View Full Version : Went to hospital heart rate is going loopy

07-06-16, 12:59
Basically I went to hospital yesterday my heart rate was fluttering between 120-130-179 ect within seconds the machine was just constantly changing well my blood pressure went high ever time I stood while sitting my heart rste doesn't the same it goes from like 70-85-109 within a second this is happening constantly the hospital did bloods and couldn't find anything they was going to take blood from my wrist but decided not too .
All they did was bloods and said everything looked normal accept my heart rate which is all over the place constantly I have burning in my chest and arm constantly like adrenline the ecgs all came back saying abnormal when doctors checked it they say it's OK...
I don't have a clue what is going on I feel asof my body doesn't even know what it is doing anymore thing was I was sat down calmly laughing when I noticed my heart rate at 144 I can't stop crying now I'll know it won't help but why isn't my heart calming down they said they'll do a holter but it could take a while !
I'm sat at home now I'm scared to go out or be alone has anyone ever had this i have no answers I want to kick myself up the arse and get rid of ha but of course with having no answers I feel I can't do it I keep wondering

Gary A
07-06-16, 15:54
This is anxiety manifesting itself physically, nothing more. Your bloods would have included a troponin screening. Troponin is an enzyme released by muscle when it's damaged. Specific types of troponin are released when there is damage to the heart, which, of course, is a muscle. If your troponin levels were normal, then you have no structural damage of the heart, which of course is a good thing.

The very fact you seem aware of your own heart rate points directly at anxiety being the cause. If you focus on your heart rate, it WILL increase, as you are preparing your body for danger. This sets off the fight or flight response, produces adrenaline which in turn increases your heart rate.

Try to practice some breathing excersises. This will slow your heart rate and prevent your body releasing adrenaline.

07-06-16, 16:54
They said I have sinus tachycardia when I stand I'm just confused and obviously worried as they didn't explain anything I've never had this before and I'm scared I'll leave my babies which has lead to depression my heart is doing it constantly all day long

07-06-16, 18:34
Hi Stars22

I agree with Gary, in that this sounds like a physical manifestation of anxiety. I had a not too dissimilar experience around 6 weeks ago where I got admitted into accident and emergency with a blood pressure reading of 180. The doctors there did an ECG, blood tests and a routine chest x-ray and all was fine. In fact, when I was less stressed the week after my GP took my blood pressure again and it was completely normal. Have you been to see your GP about this? My GP just keeps an eye on my blood pressure.

I don't know if you have heard of Mindfulness, which is a kind of meditation that is really usefully in finding some calm and lowering anxiety? There is a good app on the internet called 'Headspace' which has a series of mindfulness meditation exercises, which I have found really useful to calm my anxiety down? Take Care Andrew

07-06-16, 19:05
It is totally amazing what anxiety can do to your heartrate and BP. I have the worlds worst white coat syndrome and anyone taking my pulse or bp will get a totally abnormal result. As soon as i walk into my GP surgery my pulse shoots up to 140bpm or higher and thats just sitting in the waiting room. If anyone approaches with a bp cuff etc then its goes even higher.
It causes huge problems for routine stuff . I always take my home readings with me for previous week or so and even then they get all jumpy. I even had one dr refuse me a gastroscopy because my pulse was 140bpm. It took my gp intervening to say that this is normal for me and I will never have a lower pulse whilst in a medical setting.
This time last year I had to have minor medical proceedure and I had taken my bp that mornng which was 117/78 and pulse of 80. 3 hrs later in the hospital my pulse was 160 and my bp 176/98.
So your heartrate is in all probability purely due to anxiety and sinus tachycardia just means a fast heartbaet of normal origin so nothing nasty is causing it. They are not worried unless it gets above 180 bpm for a prolonged time.

08-06-16, 11:15
It hasn't stopped it's been three days my heart rate won't settle it goes to 80 ect when sitting but it constantly jumping around then when I stand it goes to 130 150 180 ect I'm going to doctors later to get them to reffer me private to spire don't know if your from UK but I am I also get what feels like my lungs aren't filling and a gag sensation my oxygen levels go down I think I've got a heart problem

---------- Post added at 11:15 ---------- Previous post was at 11:14 ----------

Also I've lost my appetite completely toast makes me gag everything makes me gag

08-06-16, 11:52
Hi Stars,

The "sinus" bit means that the heart rhythm as it appears on the ecg is normal. "Sinus rhythm" is a phrase that you want to hear concerning your heart. "Tachycardia" means fast heartbeat.

So "sinus tachycardia" means "fast, but otherwise normal rhythm heartbeat".

Sinus tachycardia can be distressing, but it is not dangerous. Rather than get more anxious when it occurs, try to accept that it has happened and develop techniques to bring it back under control.