View Full Version : Lumps in neck

07-06-16, 20:24
My mums had a lump in each side of her neck for a couple of years, lately they have got bigger and more noticeable and the last few days they have become sore especially when eating. Today we have finally convinced her to go to the Drs. He said her glands are swollen so he needs to find out why he's given her antibiotics and taken lots of blood. I'm so worried about her these lumps were moveable until recently they've become more solid.

She's quite a heavy smoker and has a list of medical problems as long as my arm. If it was something awful would both glands be swollen? I'm not sure I can take any more bad news

Gary A
07-06-16, 21:45
Swollen glands accompanied by pain when eating would suggest tonsillitis or any one of a variety of viral or bacterial throat infections. The doctor would most probably have referred her to an ENT doctor if he felt there was a risk of anything nasty going on.

Let her complete her course of antibiotics and await any blood results. Chances are the antibiotics will rid her of any infection and the glands will settle. Glands generally swell as a result of infection, the fact that both sides seem to be raised and painful at the same time is pretty reassuring.

08-06-16, 12:43
Thank you for replying. The Drs have called today and asked her to make an appointment for the end of next week. It seems strange that they have the results already and don't want to see her sooner, maybe that's a good sign?

08-06-16, 12:49
Thank you for replying. The Drs have called today and asked her to make an appointment for the end of next week. It seems strange that they have the results already and don't want to see her sooner, maybe that's a good sign?

Yes, that's a good sign.

Positive thoughts

08-06-16, 14:57
Yes, that's a good sign.

Positive thoughts

Thank you for replying

09-06-16, 04:12
I know how worrying this can be - especially when it comes to a loved one. I am sure that everything will be fine. Please do come back and update us on how your mom is doing!