View Full Version : Student Dilemma

07-06-16, 22:24
So, I'm 28 years old, I have 2 kids and am currently living with my mum while I'm at university (kids mum and I no longer together). I studying Radiography at uni which involves x-ray and various other scans. Part of my course involves me learning on the job within a hospital, however, lately I have been feeling increasingly anxious to the point where I just can't face going and interacting with patients and staff.

I've never spoken to anyone about my anxiety until Monday, when I visited my GP after having a panic attack while getting ready to leave for the hospital. My personal tutor at uni now wants to see me tomorrow; I'm just not sure what I want to do. Despite the anxiety, I genuinely enjoy what I do at uni, but I'm just in a bad place at the moment and I'm torn.

I'm not sure whether to just pull myself together and get on with it, defer my place at uni and go back next year, or just drop out completely. I feel so useless right now. Like I've worked so damn hard to get to this point only for mental health issues to jump up and smack me in the face. I guess it's my own fault for suffering in silence for so long. :unsure: