View Full Version : Health Anxiety and quitting the snouts 🚬

07-06-16, 22:38
Evening .... I'm new to this, and new to health anxiety , so like most I've been rethinking my diet/lifestyle and changed quite a lot cutting out caffeine and sugar and anything greasy , my next step is I'm desperate to quit smoking, but have a fear that it will cause undue or increase the chance of anxiety attacks , does anyone have any experience with this or any tips ... Thanks in advance

07-06-16, 23:47

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your post was moved from its original place to a sub-forum that is more relevant to your problem.

This is nothing personal - it just enables us to keep posts about the same problems in the relevant forums so other members with any experience with the issues can find them more easily.

08-06-16, 00:17
Hi Dexy

I was off the cigarettes for 3 months there and i suffer with G.A.D and P.T.S.D and i thought the exact same but the first day was ok i was expecting worse which motivated me more saying to myself "is this it" i was a little more agitated but nothing i couldn't handle..i used nicotine patches and the cessation group.. A lot of great support everyone was basically feeling the same and i was dubious about the group full stop..but after the first day i was straight into the group and ppl were just as anxious as i was, and the folk who'd been off the smokes longer were great letting us know how we'd feel and they weren't joking a lot better even anxiety levels drop, appetite like a bear lol, energy levels rise don't feel fatigued anymore, better quality of sleep, and a get up n go attitude..you'll be fine...I'll leave this too if you do find yourself anxious: Hypnosis for Anxiety: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLO9OtUmChpP8mmOMo4zFsk7JeSxdEeZbt



08-06-16, 07:37
Hi, I'm seven weeks quit and I couldn't feel happier. I'm so less anxious, would go as far as saying I'm anxiety free. I'm exercising, have far more energy and feel great.
I was worried about how my anxiety would manage a quit, I'd recommend reading Alan Carr easyway, it explains the psychology of smoking and why smoking makes us more anxious as we are constantly in a state of withdrawal (other than when we are actually smoking). I got support from NHS smoking cessation, I'm using the nicorette inhalator, but I'm only using 1 cartridge a day, usually on an evening.
The first day I did it hour by hour. If I can do an hour, then I can do two etc. Then it was day by day, I've done a day, I can do another, then it was week by week, now I'm at seven weeks and I barely think about it now. I've been out drinking twice and it didn't bother me, don't view it as giving up, if you do, you'll feel like you're constantly being deprived of something.
I downloaded some apps and joined a fab quit smoking forum, if you need any support or advice drop me an inbox.
Finally, I'm £450 better off and today I'll have achieved 1000 cigarettes not smoked (my app updates me).
I hope this inspires you, as it was actually a post by Meglen that inspired me to do it when she posted about how less anxious she was after her quit.

08-06-16, 08:02
I'm in the process of quitting/stopping. I call it a 'process' as I've decided to do it gradually. Taper off so to speak. In recent months I've been so sensitive to physical changes with meds etc even a tiny bit that I don't want anything else to set me off.

In the last week I've cut down by a quarter and notice it's getting easier to put having a smoke off for a bit longer.

Really want to be free of this habit as I believe it is making me anxious.

Good luck!

08-06-16, 08:51
Don't smoke but the $$ savings alone would make me feel pretty good. A pack a day habit here costs about $3650 annually.


08-06-16, 21:54
Thanks very much for the replys people, it's put my mind at ease and made me more determined to go for it and be confident about it , glad to hear it will help the anxiety instead of increasing it ,I've been reading Alan cars easy way , I'll finish it in Bulgaria over the weekend and go from there, thanks again... Sean/dexy

08-06-16, 23:53
Yep, if anything, smoking will increase anxiety as nicotine is a stimulant. On top of that, if you worry about your health, smoking is a bad idea as you know full well how bad it is for you.

Good luck with the giving up. I did it and used Alan Carr, it works, read that and with your willpower you'll be good.

Enjoy the extra energy, better taste buds, clearer breathing, extra money and smelling good!

Oh and kudos on using the word "snout" - haven't heard them called that since I moved to the States!