View Full Version : Feeling alone and scared.

07-06-16, 22:45
Hi everyone,
So I've had a very tough two weeks and feeling awful as I type. Two weeks ago yesterday I lost my gran and three days later my nan died. Both were sudden and its left me feeling lost and heartbroken. Wondering how I can help my parents get through the loss of their mums.
I've began thinking negatively thinking every ache and pain is something awful and also that at any minute I'm going to keel over or end up in a and e. I'm convinced I'm riddled with either cancer or a life threatening desease and the thought of dying absolutely terrifies me. I've forgotten what it was like to feel normal again (well in myself) and just feel scared. It's a traumatic time for me and my family but can't help crying at night wondering if I'll wake up or what the next day will bring.
Can anyone relate or just give me a friendly ear?


07-06-16, 23:36
Hello Katyfitz, How are you feeling? I'm so sorry about your news. Try and take deep breaths as you read this. I hope things will get better for you soon, I really do :)

08-06-16, 00:37
Hi KatyFitz

Everything you're experiencing is your bodies natural reaction to these traumatic experiences..I've had more than a few with death in the family and nearly myself too..so know how you're feeling..you're really anxious about the deaths and that's totally normal but also you're carrying extra baggage on your shoulders worrying about your parents grieving..you're carrying too much Katy..it's such a very sad time in life no-one ever gets over the death of a loved truly they keep a piece of them close to their heart..

These traumatic events in your life are heartbreaking and have brought out the suppressed emotions, over thinking, panic that you're next because these deaths have came so sudden it's the exact same way i felt Katy..

I'm so sorry for the loss of your loved ones and the way you're feeling.. I'll leave this with you just incase it helps
Hypnosis for Anxiety: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLO9OtUmChpP8mmOMo4zFsk7JeSxdEeZbt

Take care KatyFitz and remember you're not alone :bighug1:


---------- Post added at 00:37 ---------- Previous post was at 00:33 ----------


08-06-16, 01:40
Hi Katyfitz - First let me say how very sorry I am for your loss. I have lost all of my grandparents. I was closest to my moms mom...my Grammie as we used to call her. Unfortunately it is the natural progression of life. As is the grieving process...which you are experiencing now. Like you your parents need to go through it as well. It is hard and heartbreaking I know. But just about everyone on this planet goes through it at one time or another. I know losing a loved one so suddenly makes it even more difficult in some ways. But many grandparents have a prolonged death and believe me though that may have prepared you better you would not have wanted it for them. Sometimes talking about a passed loved one can help. Like what type of person they were and the like. Or even writing yourself a letter about what you loved about them. Or talking to your parents about some good times gone by that you all had together. You and your folks will get through this friend. Hang in there.
