View Full Version : First time valium

08-06-16, 00:32
Taking Valium for first time tonight, how does it make you feel , ? 5 mg but cut in half for first time

08-06-16, 00:46
If you are really anxious it just makes you feel normal (in my experience). If you aren't anxious it might feel like you've had a glass of wine.

08-06-16, 04:07
Took half a pill 3 hours ago and my physical symptoms didn't disappear at all. Still thinking of anxiety constant

08-06-16, 04:37
I found it was like a wave starting on the top of my head and passing down my body. It was unpleasant, but sometimes you can find yourself fighting every changing sensation.

08-06-16, 04:40
Took half a pill 3 hours ago and my physical symptoms didn't disappear at all. Still thinking of anxiety constant

It's great stuff and 5mg is only a tiny dose

08-06-16, 11:20
2.5 mg is unlikely to get rid of physical symptoms if they are long standing anxiety ones.
I use it for medical tests like mri scans and if i get the timing right its brilliant. I find that about 30 mins after taking 5mg I get a nice heady feeling for about 15 mins then this passes. this feeling is very nice and that is the danger of this drug.
Remember taken daily for longer than 14 days and you will be addicted which makes it harder to stop taking it. ITs best taken occasionally and not for more than a few days if you want to avoid the addiction problem but I am sure your Dr will already have explained all this!

08-06-16, 12:17
I took 5mg for about a week and found little benefit the first time around when I had my breakdown. It stopped working it all.

When I relapsed I was holding out on taking them whilst starting up on Duloxetine. This med ramped my anxiety up beyond anything I've ever felt. The last two mornings I gave in and took a Diazepam to get me through the waking adrenaline rushes and it worked better than previously. This was surprisingly only 2.5mg.


08-06-16, 13:44
Placebo affect. If you think it wont work then it wont. You gotta believe :)

08-06-16, 14:35
I got prescribe 60 5mg tablets for a month, my anxiety was taking over my life. It says takes 2 daily. I'm Nervous if I do that I will get the withdraws. My anxiety is daily 24:7 doesn't stop physical symptoms. I just don't wanna take it like that because scared of those withdraws.

08-06-16, 14:43
The most I got was a headache after 2 hours although this was with the lower dose. I had no headaches when I took the higher dose previously.

You don't need to worry about withdrawal at this stage, that's only when you become tolerant and your doctor should be preventing that by restricting what is prescribed. If you are concerned about developing tolerance, I suggest asking your doctor about it so they can put your mind at rest on why they have prescribed a months worth. I'm working on that being a GP, a psychiatrist may use then longer if it's truly needed to get anxiety under control but they do manage the withdrawal afterwards.

08-06-16, 16:38
I think they are using it as long term because he prescribe a refill for next month as well then told to come back to get another one after that. Will they keep me on this for long time. It seemed to help after I took other half of pill last night . Calmed me down pretty good still calm this morning so haven't took one

08-06-16, 19:07

I am on a nine day course of 3 tablets of Valium a day at the moment due to acute health anxiety. I have found that they do take the edge off my anxiety and since taking them my appetite has got better and I am sleeping better. However, Valium is only normally prescribed on a short term basis. My doctor is going to shift me over to propranolol to treat my anxiety.


08-06-16, 22:34
Then what else can be done for me if its a short term thing, because I literaly think about illness 24/7 this makes physical symptoms happen. How can I control the n

09-06-16, 01:45
I've been on 5mg twice daily for the last 13 yrs.
Despite what they say about it I've never felt the need to increase.
Keeps me calm through out the day and I sleep well.
I know some people feel the need to increase and this creates problems but it's never happened to me.

09-06-16, 23:49
Hi Beauch

I went to see my consultant psychiatrist on Wednesday and he has put me on something called Propranolol for my anxiety. He told me it is very effective in helping with anxiety. I can really sympathise with you because presently I am also in a situation where my anxiety has been dominating my thoughts almost constantly. I have recently starting seeing a psychotherapist for my anxiety, but I am hoping the Propranolol will help reduce the symptoms down a bit. My consultant psychiatrist in the meantime has also prescribed me a lower dose of diazepam, 2mg to help me with my sleeping.

10-06-16, 05:15
I'm currently taking St-John's Wort (Perika brand made in Germany) the same one used in studies on the efficacy of St-John's Wort. If you're on any prescription medication you need to talk to your Dr before starting on St-John's Wort, the drug interactions can be dangerous.

Do not mix it with any SSRI, MAOI, 5-HTP.

I've been on it for only 10 days now, I need to wait 4-6 weeks for the full effect but I'm feeling a little better already. Will keep you posted.

11-06-16, 06:42
It works sometimes and doesn't I need something to cure this anxiety my legs feel weird every single day thinking of a brain Tumor now a lot

12-06-16, 07:01
Valium is a VERY effective anti anxiety med.
I have agoraphobia and it was the only med/treatment along with graded exposure that helped me.
However I did build a tolerance /dependence/addiction to it. Because I was taking it for over two years (albeit only 2-4 mg twice a Week)
This is because.. the effect of the drug lasts up to 6 hours per dose,
but the breakdown of the drug can stay in your body for up to 8DAYS from one dose!!!!
So it accumulates and your body gets used to it, then needs a higher dose to achieve the baseline anti anxiety relief and
When you stop or withdraw from the drug your body MAY have withdrawal symptoms.
I had withdrawal, and found it very difficult. But not impossible. (Worse anxiety than I started with and some other symptoms).
I was given propanaloll as required. to take and it does help. And doesn't have any dependence issues.
However I am still on a search for a med that is as effective as valium. And so I have an emergency dose to take if a am desperate. But haven't yet in 16 months.

12-06-16, 07:17
And so I have an emergency dose to take if a am desperate. But haven't yet in 16 months.

Well done, dally! :yesyes::yahoo:

12-06-16, 22:22
Thanks Terry.
Ive had some close to taking valium times, but I haven't yet forgot on the withdrawals , so when I've been on a peak of panic, somewhere in my brain is the logical me that reminds me of this.

Oh how I wish someone would hurry up and invent the user effective non-addictive anti-anxiety med xx