View Full Version : Lower ab pain/discomfort?

08-06-16, 12:15
I've had lower ab discomfort, particularly the left side recently it has started to bother me. I had it once when i worked in a shop which stressed me out abit so it's not new new. It's not done it for a long time though so it's "new" again and is making me feel a bit on edge.

It is in one particular place every time lower left abdom area and is like a dull ache sensation. It can get to a point of almost being painful but this is usually if I'm stressed. I do also get like a sudden sharp pain for literally a second which can be anywhere on my lower ab area. Kinda feels like 1 single "pins and needles" sensation. This comes for literally 1 second then it's gone again.

Is this some sort of IBS? Muscle tension? Anxiety/gut thing? My good old HA is trying to make me worry over it so I'm trying get my head around that it's nothing to worry about??