View Full Version : Good days rule out my fears?

08-06-16, 17:21
So i've had 6 months of really bad health anxiety, feeling very ill and what seemed sick my immune system shutting down. Aches and pains, headaches, vision problems, skin problems, sleep problems, period problems pretty much anything and everything seemed to be 'messing up'.

And we focus on these things with HA, we focus on negative things, symptoms and it's all we can think about. We don't stop to take note of the good things and what we can do,

The last 3 or 4 days, i've not had my usual problems, no headaches and just feeling generally more well and energetic. So i stopped to take note of how my body felt, and the things i COULD do, instead of 'waiting' to feel a symptom and i sort of had a moment where i said to myself "You're okay" and i actually believed it..

I've put my body through a lot, lot, lot of emotional stress over the last 6 months so i don't blame it for the symptoms i've been getting, i will never underestimate the effect stress and anxiety can have on the body, but my fears of a brain tumour, cancer, some serious neurological condition ect are pretty much ruled out when i have these small periods of feeling well, it doesn't work like that with these things,

Anyone else have times where they feel better physically? I think i need to use this time to think positively