View Full Version : scared

14-03-07, 21:28
hey again

i have this awful fear about dyeing i know it happens to us all but it really scares me i think about it and worry about it all the time to the point its ruining my life i cant seem to shake it out my head i feel so stupid

14-03-07, 21:42
If you cannot challenge these thoughts alone then I would recommend CBT - have you thought about that?

14-03-07, 22:48
I know exactly how you feel. I go through phases where I am obsessed with it. It really really scares me. I try so hard not to think about it, but end up thinking about what if I die, what if my children die, or my friends/family die ... It really gets me down.

Usually there's something that triggers it for me, like someone elses illness or bad diagnosis, then I can spend ages obsessing over it. Then again, I can go for weeks/months where I can put it to the back of my mind.

I really wish I had the answer for you, but I know when you get a thought in your head you can't stop it. Counselling helped me to a degree, but now the counselling has stopped I struggle to deal with things on my own sometimes (although I think I am better than before I had the counselling).

Try to distract yourself - I know it's very difficult - maybe just surround yourself with people who keep you from dwelling on things.

And don't feel stupid, you really aren't alone in this. I think that deep down all my "normal" friends have the same fears as me, but the difference is that they don't think about them all the time and I do.

14-03-07, 23:09
Hi, i have the same fear. Sometimes it gets so bad its all i can think about for weeks. It seems to be bad when my anxiety is bad. When im having a good day the thought doesnt enter my head

love mandie