View Full Version : Cbt session

08-06-16, 17:29
So I had my first cbt session today and the therapist has said I'm suffering with ocd and anxiety and that I will need at least 8 sessions I feel it well got alot of my chest and she really knew Wat to say to me. Also had a good day sunning it up the garden thinking positive now and ready to face the world xx

Hope everyone has had a good day xx

08-06-16, 18:15
Becky that's great news! Really pleased for you xx

08-06-16, 18:25
Thanks i felt it went well just can wait for the next one now xx

08-06-16, 18:52
You should be really proud of yourself, you're being really proactive at kicking this things butt & you're going to come out the other side really strong x

08-06-16, 20:22
I just don't wanna feel like this anymore I hate it I've beaten it twice before and I'll do it again but this time is the last time I will not let this condition bring me down and I think everyone should do the best they can to kick this out there mind we can do it and we are so strong more stronger than people that don't suffer as we go through so much and they don't understand
Take care becky xx