View Full Version : Stopping smoking with anxiety?

08-06-16, 19:36
Anyone any experience in stopping smoking whilst having health anxiety? Mines cripples me most days for most of the day, I wouldn't mind stopping the snouts but worried it will cause more stresses and strains due to the nature of stopping, any one have any experience in this or tips etc? I don't want to aggrevate the noodle of mines , cheers in advance

08-06-16, 19:45
Best thing I ever did was quit. I used to go to bed each night and promise myself I'd stop the next day, I'd smoke as soon as I got up then feel like a failure for the rest of the day.
I'm seven weeks quit now and I'm feeling great. I read Alan Carr easyway and also use an inhalator (by nicorette), I'm eating a little more but I'm also exercising which I wasn't doing before so I'm hoping I can shed the few pounds I've gained.

08-06-16, 20:37
Wow Tracey! Thanks for the reply! I'm also using The easy way book! I was just worried that when I stopped my head would go nuts and make me worse! Thanks for the information , I'm even more determined to stop now, the book is an absolute miracle , that Alan is a genius ! Thanks again 😊

08-06-16, 21:05
No bother hun, feel free to inbox me if you want support. I downloaded quit forever and smoke free apps, also used a forum called health unlocked which has been very supportive.
Good luck, I started with a goal of an hour, then if I got through an hour I could do another, then it was a day etc.

09-06-16, 23:58
Hi Traceypo

I know from experience how difficult it can be to stop smoking during a stage of acute anxiety. About 10 years ago when I was going through a particularly anxious time I was probably smoking around 50 to 60 cigarettes a day. I quit smoking seven years ago and despite still suffering from bouts of anxiety giving up smoking is one of the best decisions I ever made. Infact I can now exercise and work out better and this really helps to calm my body.

I was wondering if your local pharmacy or GP surgery had a stop smoking scheme. Both my local pharmacy and GP surgery have such a scheme in place. It might be something you want to talk to over with the doctor.

10-06-16, 09:33
Hi monty, I've stopped, it was dexy looking for advice. Agree with everything you say, I'm actually in gym now on bike, something I wouldn't have done when smoking. I accessed the stop smoking scheme at my pharmacy, it was great to go from a carbon monoxide reading of 20 to 0, that was a great motivation to stay quit.

10-06-16, 18:35
Consider the physiological effects smoking has when you actually smoke. None of them benefit you in any way. Quitting can be difficult in the initial weeks. But it does improve. it took me many attempts to quit smoking but it's worthwhile doing it.


10-06-16, 18:50
I've given up at least twenty times in the past eighteen months. I use cigarettes as a comfort and as a "medication" when I have extreme anxiety. I know it doesn't make a sense, but that's what my mind decided. Each time I quit my anxiety rears up. I really want to stop.
I gave up for ten years and started again eighteen months ago when I was going through some stress.
Any helpful tips would be much appreciated.
I know there are forums you can Join and give up with other people online. I did it and managed two months.

10-06-16, 22:17
I would recommend vaping if you find it hand to pack in the ciggies. I used to smoke 20 or more a day and switched to an electronic cigarette over two years ago. I am still heavily addicted to nicotine of course although it's a much safer form of satisfying one's nicotine addiction I believe.

11-06-16, 08:29
I downloaded apps such as quit forever, on there you can see the benefits to stopping both for your health and financially.
Seeing that my circulation has improved to 100% is a big boost for me and all the other health benefits. I know if I smoke again that will go back to 0%.
Alan Carr Easyway book is great, even if you don't fully follow the instructions, it's really useful to understand the psychology behind smoking and he has it spot on. Many things he said stuck with me for my quit.
Access support from anywhere you can, I'm using health unlocked forum, it helps to understand the withdrawal and reassure you that those symptoms will pass.
Lastly, attitude, I literally take it day by day, I don't think about forever, I just wake up each morning and know I won't smoke that day. Previous quits, not smoking forever has seemed impossible.

13-06-16, 22:45
I used the patch and a lot of gum, water, and suckers. The first day was hard, but after it helped my anxiety to quit. Nicotine is a strong simulant so it actually makes anxiety worse. You can do it!