View Full Version : Confused about AutoImmune and/or Low Iron

09-06-16, 00:34
I'm a 40-year old female that was just "diagnosed" with Hashimoto's Hypothyroidism. I need help deciphering test results and I'm extremely confused as to what to think. I'm quite confused by my iron & thyroid blood tests. At first, it looks like typical iron deficiency until I get to Ferritin. Here are the results:

Iron 49 low (50-212 normal)
UIBC 380 high (110-370 normal)
TIBC 429 high (228-428 normal)
Transferrin % saturation 11% low (14%-57% normal)
Ferritin 30 normal (22-291 normal)

I was also just recently "diagnosed" with Hashimoto's Hypothyroidism. I say "diagnosed" because my functional medicine doctor took my very few blood test results from my practitioner and deciphered it without doing any further testing. When my practitioner, her colleague, and endocrinologist looked at it they all said they were normal. When I took them to my functional medicine doctor, he said they were all very low. Now I don't know if I have iron deficiency, iron deficiency due to Hashimoto's, do or don't have Hashimoto's, or am I simply going crazy? The results of those tests were:

TSH 1.25 (.4-4.2 normal) (depending on who you talk to)
Total T3 120 (50-170 normal)
Free T4 .9 (.8-1.7 normal) (again, depending on who you talk to)
Estradiol <50 (unknown normal range or what test result is stating)
FSH 2.3 (4.7-21.5 normal)
Testosterone 15 (<=75 normal)
17-Hydroxyprogesterone <25 (unknown normal range or what test result is stating)
AM Cortisol 16.9 (8-25 normal)

Is there anyone out there that may be able to interpret these? When I speak with others in my Hashimoto's forum, they say I can still have it even if I test negative and that the only affirmative way to say that I do or don't have it is by a biopsy. I don't want to continue eating a very expensive and extremely restrictive diet if it's nothing more than an iron deficiency, plus I would really like to stop worrying.

09-06-16, 02:54
You really need to speak to a doctor about all this as none of us here are qualified to answer, really.