View Full Version : Feel like I can't breathe properly

09-06-16, 03:07
Hey guys,

Ever since the start of the week I've been having breathing issues. I've just joined a gym and have been the past 3 nights. I've been doing a lot of high intensity cardio, running, elyptical etc and I notice that about 30-40 minutes in I have started getting this little lump feeling on the right side of my throat. It feels like mucus or something that I can't swallow or cough up and it eventually gets like a little swollen gland feeling. It goes away after an hour or 2 but when it's happening I've started to panic that my throat is going to close over. Ever since then I've been getting that "conscious breathing" where I am constantly aware of my breathing and this makes me feel like I'm not getting enough air. I know the issue is I'm probably getting too much air. When I am busy I don't notice it, only when I think about it. It also doesn't affect me doing vigorous exercise until tonight when I started to think about it. I've got into a bit of a state about it the past 2 days and I've felt the anxiety and panic wash over me and I've got little bouts of derealization where I just feel numb. I've been sitting in the steam room for around 15 minutes the past couple of nights and I think I'm bogging my lungs down with water vapor or something too.

Can anyone advise what the lump could be and how I can get a handle on this breathing issue? I've had the breathing thing a few times ever since I've been a kid and I know it's pretty normal. I don't have too much trouble catching a good satisfying breath but I keep trying to catch big deep breaths! I've had to take a Xanax as soon as I got home tonight and it has helped a lot. It was either that or I was going to drink a bottle of wine!

Arrhh I feel like it's one thing after another with me so I don't even want to tell my wife because she's been sick listening to me complain about derealization which I had constant for almost a year the after that I've had bad issues with acid reflux and thinking I have heart issues. It's been a real tough year for me as someone who's never been broken a bone or been ill.

09-06-16, 03:21
I just wanted to offer some reassurance. I get breathing issues too sometimes and it is definetly uncomfortable and scary, but like you said when you dont think about it your breathing isnt bothering you. I find that it usually just goes away on its own, im sure thats what usually ends up happening for you too. As for the ball in throat, obviously anxiety causes that sometimes, but the fact that you started a new workout could also be it, are you drinking enough water? Maybe your throat is getting dry. Also you said you'vd suffered acid reflux, maybe the work outs are so intense for you right now that its giving you acidity, maybe the fact that you work out at night is interrupting with your regular digestion. I'd say maybe try light meals if you go to the gym after dinner and keep yourself hydrated. Cardio is a big effort on your body so maybe slow down a little, add a few more minutes or go higher on intensity little buy little everyday. I hope this gave you some reassurance...
Take care

09-06-16, 03:29
I just wanted to offer some reassurance. I get breathing issues too sometimes and it is definetly uncomfortable and scary, but like you said when you dont think about it your breathing isnt bothering you. I find that it usually just goes away on its own, im sure thats what usually ends up happening for you too. As for the ball in throat, obviously anxiety causes that sometimes, but the fact that you started a new workout could also be it, are you drinking enough water? Maybe your throat is getting dry. Also you said you'vd suffered acid reflux, maybe the work outs are so intense for you right now that its giving you acidity, maybe the fact that you work out at night is interrupting with your regular digestion. I'd say maybe try light meals if you go to the gym after dinner and keep yourself hydrated. Cardio is a big effort on your body so maybe slow down a little, add a few more minutes or go higher on intensity little buy little everyday. I hope this gave you some reassurance...
Take care

Thank you! I know if I had actual breathing issues it would be 24/7 and not just when I think about it. As you say it's just one of those really scary things like when you get chest pains and think you are about to die of a heart attack. I hope it goes away soon :weep: I ate a lot of pizza on Saturday and completely destroyed my insides and I've had massive bloating and constipation due to the acid reflux. It's got better today so I'm hoping once I stop looking like I'm pregnant it might stop me gasping for breath.