View Full Version : My worries at the moment

09-06-16, 06:58
Where do I start? I have always had health anxiety. First big worry was over appendicitis at 16. Now I am 32 and I feel at my worst. I was having a lot anxiety and panic attacks for years. I was also always feeling bloated, got full very fast and felt nauseous, although I never threw up.

Last year I started experiencing difficulty swallowing, on and off. At the start of this year I knew something was not right. I had more frequent and severe panic attacks. In march I felt like I was choking, and went to the er. Since March I have been suffering with this problem swallowing. Doctors have told gerd/acid reflux is culprit, along with other possibilities. They say I should go to a gi specialist. Finally got an appointment for next month.

I am very worried about my weight loss these last three months. I have lost about 25 pounds, and I fear for my life. I cannot eat solids and also struggle with liquids. I don't know about how the body loses weight, but I am worried about complications.

I am getting new worries like my very high heart rate which I have seen as high as 182. I am also worried about my oxygen levels as once I saw it at 90. When tell this to doctors they don't believe me, because when they check both the oxygen and heart rate is at more normal, not as bad levels.
I lost count on how many times I have been to er. Yesterday I was there overnight then went back about 5 hours later because I felt worse. They kind of mocked me for it. The doctor had a hostile tone, and when I told him my neck hurt if I move my head to look up, he said, 'Just don't do that'. One of the nurses there, when I had my concerns about my really high heart rate just told me, 'You're a very anxious man'. Not the kind of treatment I would expect at the hospital. I thought they should at least have some compassion.

Thank you for reading. Just wanted to read if anyone had similar experiences and if anyone related to some of experiences.

09-06-16, 17:04
I think that nurse hit the nail on the head. You are a very anxious man. Rather than going to the doctors trying to diagnose or treat your stomach, throat etc... problems - you should be asking for help with anxiety.

Whether it's medication, therapy or just talking about it, you need to address that. Anxiety is the cause of so many physical symptoms. Treat them and you'll be doing a LOT better.