View Full Version : I was fine a minute ago...

09-06-16, 08:49
Hi everyone. So I was just thinking about how proud I was of finishing everything on my to do list - I'm normally a bad procrastinator. But then suddenly my anxiety decided to just appear, for no reason. I'm sure you guys relate to this. But I've got to head to work in an hour or so, so I'm irritated that my mood could change so quickly. My arms have that familiar weak/shaky feeling, and my palpitations are awful. I'm probably not doing any favours by focusing on it. But isn't it annoying how everything can be great one minute and then suddenly I feel like I'm on the edge, with no apparent trigger :(
If anyone could leave me some words of encouragement, I would really love and appreciate that :)


09-06-16, 11:31
Hi Jasmine,

It sure can take you by surprise can't it? I can be fine one minute and out of nowhere start feeling anxious and out of sorts and can't think of anything which has triggered it off. I guess if we knew we'd be able to stop it?

I'm getting better at telling myself 'It's just anxiety and it will pass'. Gives a small sense of control to label it and minimise it. Hope your day improves.