View Full Version : Asbestos obession

09-06-16, 13:30
Hi All,
Hope this is the right forum.

I am having a huge problem with asbestos fear. I have had OCD for years, but it's now out of control and essentially destroying my family and me as I am consumed by this.

My huge fear is containmintion, here is my current problem and I don't know what to do.

My parents had a bathroom removed about 11 years ago now! I am
So scared that they removed asbestos without procautions. An airing cupboard was removed , I am scared that it had asbestos in it, I know it's unlikely and I have done my research on possibilities and that unlikely scanorios, I just can't get the thoughts out my head that there house is now totally contaiminated. I fear everyone that goes round there will breathe it including my son who I don't want going there.

How can I sort this out?! Images in my mind are everyone is going to die from
Asbestos related illness.

I need professional support now as I can no longer contain it, and it's effecting my whole life.

Any help, friends I can make here so appreciated.

09-06-16, 21:34

My Father passed away from Mesothelioma 2 years ago due to Asbestos. Now I know that would of scared you hearing this but here are the facts.

My Father and lots of his mates at the age of 16 used to mix it by hand in a huge tub for the application of lagging pipes afterwards.
My Dad and his mates (and me for 2 years) were laggers (Insulation engineers) and would they be covered in it from head to toe afterwards.
Now my Dad passed away at 65 having sucked in loads of the stuff, his mates who also sucked in loads are all still alive!

Asbestos is in the air all of the time, we all breath in a small amount and is measured at 0.00001 ml per litre of air.
I myself have worked on Powerstations on and around it, and jumped on pipes that have let off a cloud of asbestos dust.

I to had an obsession that it may get me so I had an xray which revealed nothing, this calmed my obsession, it may help you also.

So what Im saying is, even if you breathed some in it does not automatically mean you will eventually get ill, many dont as with all my dads mates.

10-06-16, 07:20

My Father passed away from Mesothelioma 2 years ago due to Asbestos. Now I know that would of scared you hearing this but here are the facts.

My Father and lots of his mates at the age of 16 used to mix it by hand in a huge tub for the application of lagging pipes afterwards.
My Dad and his mates (and me for 2 years) were laggers (Insulation engineers) and would they be covered in it from head to toe afterwards.
Now my Dad passed away at 65 having sucked in loads of the stuff, his mates who also sucked in loads are all still alive!

Asbestos is in the air all of the time, we all breath in a small amount and is measured at 0.00001 ml per litre of air.
I myself have worked on Powerstations on and around it, and jumped on pipes that have let off a cloud of asbestos dust.

I to had an obsession that it may get me so I had an xray which revealed nothing, this calmed my obsession, it may help you also.

So what Im saying is, even if you breathed some in it does not automatically mean you will eventually get ill, many dont as with all my dads mates.

I'm sorry to hear about your father.

Your father's story about how he worked with the stuff is common from what I've seen reading around about this issue and like you say, people live perfectly natural lives even despite all their exposure.

I regard this issue a bit like cyanide, people don't realise they naturally eat that, often on a regular basis, yet it's the level that matters with that. But like you say, asbestos is in the air with breathe at very low quantities which are proven not to be a risk. The irrational nature of anxiety can prey on either for much the same reasons.

I hope the OP takes comfort from your knowledge on the subject. I also hope you live free of this issue.

10-06-16, 20:41
Thanks Terry.

Yes It was my Dads biggest worry throughout his life, such a shame it happened to him, he was so fit and had just received a big payout because of it.
He never got a chance to enjoy the money though since he was told he had it he was never the same happy man. Hopefully my mum will treat her self to a few luxuries.

11-06-16, 05:17
Pg77 - this was an example I was thinking of that adds to skullboy's excellent reply to you:


My grandfather was in the Navy during the period that absetos was common 1952. He was also a mechanic during the time it was used in vehicle brakes. Heck he even worked in a steel yard that had it around. In all those years he never had a problem. He is healthy and going on 80. If your worried about it get a respirator at a local hardware store.

---------- Post added at 05:17 ---------- Previous post was at 05:12 ----------

Thanks Terry.

Yes It was my Dads biggest worry throughout his life, such a shame it happened to him, he was so fit and had just received a big payout because of it.
He never got a chance to enjoy the money though since he was told he had it he was never the same happy man. Hopefully my mum will treat her self to a few luxuries.

Yes, a great shame. But I bet your dad found comfort in being able to provide some financial security for your mum, it's no substitute for the happy years ahead you have all been robbed of though.