View Full Version : Terrified

09-06-16, 17:51
A little background. I've suffered from frequent/constant urge to urinate since about September 2011. It would wax and wane for about the next 3 years, some days/weeks worse than others etc. Went to the doctor/urologist several times, had all the painful exams done, doctors had no idea what was wrong with me.

In October 2014 it got to be the worst it had ever been. In November and December 2014 I basically had days where I would go to the bathroom every 15-20 minutes for hours at a time. It was a nightmare. That December I started going to therapy because I was feeling very depressed and anxious and was even entertaining suicidal thoughts. Then in January 2015 I started fluoxetine (10 mg for a week before I bumped up to 20 mg) and pelvic floor physical therapy and things started to gradually improve and by spring I genuinely felt normal again. Or as close as I had in years. Things were good for over a year and I rarely had to really think about my bladder. I came off prozac in January this year and stopped therapy in March.

I started having symptoms again on May 15th, and it kind of snowballed from there. I'm not quite as bad as I was in that November/December period, but I don't feel good. I started doing physical therapy again 2 weeks ago and am on day 13 of prozac 10 mg. I had a refill on my last prescription while I tapered off, so I filled that while I wait to see the psychiatrist next Friday and hopefully get to bump up to 20 again.

But I'm gripped by these terrible fears that what worked last time isn't going to work again. I've never been diagnosed with any physical causes of the frequent urination, although my physical therapist has always said that muscle tightness can cause urinary symptoms. I have a suspicion at least some of it is caused by anxiety as I almost always feel better at home, although not as good as I did beforehand. I also have terrible morning anxiety and I've been waking up earlier than I normally do because of it.

I'm trying to take things one day at a time, but I finally had my life back and now I'm afraid it's been taken away from me again.

14-06-16, 20:54
Don't worry! that's the worst thing you can do. I had a similar phase going on where it was painful to urinate. I eventually connected this to my anxiety, so right when it happened i tried to forget about it completely, since i had already had another thing going on anyways that was consuming all of my attention (my eye). After I forgot about the painful urination, it went away. Let me ask you, when you got off your meds and stopped therapy, did any of this trigger thoughts about getting the frequent urination symptoms again? I think sometimes our minds play tricks on us, and if your focused on something for so long, our minds can make our bodys feel and do things as a result.
The only advice i can give is to try not to worry about it, accept the problem, make friends with it, embrace it. Flow with your anxiety about the problem and never resist and stress. Just be an observer, disconnect yourself from the problem. so much easier said then done, i am still batteling my eye issue! good luck! & sorry you are dealing with this misery for so long

28-06-16, 22:25