View Full Version : How far is to far?

05-10-04, 13:20

I am one of your success stories and its great,:D It's all dowm to you lot BIG THANKS.
But i have come up with a problem, I have not worked for 15 years mainly because of my doughter who started suffering PA and
anxiaty at the age of 3. I wanted to stay at home because she needed me for support day and night, she is 11 now and doing well.
Since coming on this site I relized that things had to change, so I went out and got myself a part time job and also atarted a course learning sign language. The job is great but last week in my course i was singled out and ask a Q,s i had to answer in sign, I new the answer but i felt so ill,my anxiaty levels hit the roof.
When i told my sister she said if it getting to you that much its not worth it. I am only doing this course as a distraction its not somthing I really need but i have always wanted to learn sign language.
When i came out of the course i was ok, i was so proud of myself,
I now i have come along way and i dont't want to go backwards just
because of this course.
What do you think?



05-10-04, 13:55
Hi jill, I also took a course to use as distraction, I went to college and took an access to health profession course. During this course there were so many things I had to that made me feel so uncomfortable, talking on a choosen subject in front of the class (although i did not do this alone, i took diazipam and rescue remedy LOL). I had to do this 3 times during the course and it got no better, but i had to do it to pass the course!!!! I even went to university and passed an interview to take a degree in adult nursing (with the help of diazipam again lol). I really neede to do this at thime to try and regain some of my confidence back as it was at rock bottom. The course helped me a lot and i made new friends and learned new skills. But when the course finished i knew i didn't want to spend the 3 years studing at degree level, talking in a huge hall in front of many people and i have choosen not to go to uni. I wouldn't change the fact that i went to college because it helped me a lot. Now I work in my sons school as a dinner lady and do voluenteer reading with the children and it's going ok. If you feel it's something you'd like to do though, stick with it, if not don't push yourself to do it, your just not ready yet!!! Tara xxx

05-10-04, 14:54
Stick with it Jill! You have done sooooo well! :) Even when you try to improve your situation, panic has a horrible habit of rearing its ugly head just when you least expect it and when you dont need it. It would be a shame to undo all the good you have done and let panic beat you. Does panic ever go away?? For now, I work on the basis that it doesnt and its always with us. All we can do is learn different ways of controlling it. Maybe one day we will all beat it but learning ways to live "with" it is more positive than letting it beat us.

Keep going with your course! Sign language is such a wonderful thing to learn and think of all the good you will do with it in the future!

Good luck and thumbs up to you! :)

Love Minny..xxx

05-10-04, 15:14

WOW !! Way to go . Huge congratulations to you .
Firstly for going and getting a job and also to learn sign language - what a brilliant thing to do .

Glad the job is going well . How about explaining to the tutor of the signing place that you are recovering from anxiety and know that you need to increase your exposure but do not want to be put on the spot and that you will volunteer as you feel you are able. I know Jill - that you will push yourself to do so - but it might help knowing you will not be singled out unexpectedly .

To take an analagy out of one of my chapters - now you've managed to get the car running and also in gear and the hnadbrake off don't switch it off again before you've gone where you wanted to go.... Keep it up .

In order to progress you will need to feel a bit uncomfortable sometimes

Let us know how you do


It is impossible to get out of a problem by using the same kind of thinking that it took to get into it.
- Albert Einstein.

05-10-04, 15:40
Hi Jill

Well done for getting a job and starting the course.

I would stick with it, it is something you have always wanted to do and i am sure once you get into it you will be fine.

Love Sal xxxxx

05-10-04, 16:19
Hi Jill,

I think doing the course is a great idea and you should definetly stick with it. I have just signed up for a Japanese course even though I am nervous about it. I've always wanted to do it just as you have always wanted to do sign-language. If we don't do it, it mean that we are letting Mr. Panic beat us!!

Sarah :D

05-10-04, 16:30
Hi Jill

Well done on getting a job and on doing the course. I know how difficult it is to be put in a situation you are not comfortable with. I've just had a pretty awful first class on my first day at university, and I'm wondering whether I can go back next week.

Speaking to the tutor seems a good option and see whether you can work round it.


05-10-04, 19:38
Hi Jill

Don't give up! Some of the hardest things that we have to do can end up being great achievements. You've done so much and come so far so don't let the panic get a hold of you now.

Briary - I've just started back at uni too and have 5 hours worth of lectures back to back on a Thursday which I'm struggling with - I'm not very good at sitting still as it makes me anxious!

Best wishes, Jo x

05-10-04, 20:29
Hi Jill

Well done you!

I would stick with it - you obviously like it and with time the panic will get less and you will enjoy it more.

It is very worthwhile to do so please don't give it up.

I don't think you will go backwards and you have the foundation firmly in place now to go forward and achieve all you want to.

Good luck ok?


05-10-04, 20:58
Jill - you couldn't go back to square one now ..

You know too much and knowledge/ understanding is power !


It is impossible to get out of a problem by using the same kind of thinking that it took to get into it.
- Albert Einstein.

05-10-04, 21:44

Just reading all the replies has made me more confident to
go on with my course, your advice and kind words are
pricless. you all have tought me so much and I can not
thank you all enough :D