View Full Version : Swollen tongue/cough

10-06-16, 16:24
I suffer from health anxiety and my newest concern is I feel like my tongue is swollen. I have a scalloped tongue and I feel like it is almost too big for my mouth. I'm also getting over a cold so I've been coughing a lot. I know if I was going through anaphylactic shock it would have happened by now, but I just keep feeling like I'm going to stop breathing soon. It's been going on for about two days and it's happened in the past. I think I may just be more aware of my tongue. Does this happen to anyone else?

11-06-16, 04:22
Are you treating your anxiety?

11-06-16, 14:30
I see a therapist and that has helped a lot. Like before I may have rushed to the dr over something like this.

11-06-16, 16:24
Anxietygurl - when I stress I over feel every inch of my body. It is what we do with HA. I recently pushed so hard on a lymph node that I made it swell not an infection! I am with you. I try and use my CBT techniques. Usually I forget about it when I find a new thing to worry about but I don't recommend that approach :). Hang in there, probably the cold. Btw had anaphylactic shock in reaction to penicillin........you would know it so your instincts there are spot on

12-06-16, 00:39
Thanks for your reply 44wise. I have already stopped focusing on my tongue so it's not bothering that much. Of course, now that I'm thinking about it, it's bothering me again. Haha