View Full Version : Just Had Surgery

10-06-16, 18:05
I need to tell you all about this as I can't believe I went through it and actually "survived".

After a very stupid bicycling accident, I had a trimalleor fracture of my ankle. At the time it wasn't painful because of the adrenaline but it was VERY dislocated. Picture my foot completed turned to the right and my tibia about to pop through the skin of my ankle. I couldn't believe what was happening and was actually surprised at how little it hurt.

After the ambulance picked me up and I refused pain meds (I was scared what they were going to do to me), I was taken into the hospital were they had to reset my ankle not once; but TWICE. I was then told that I needed surgery and wouldn't be walking or driving for 12 weeks minimum.

To make a long story short, I cannot believe what my body went through and how I came out of it alive. My worst fears happened -- hospital visits, pain medications, IVs, surgery, anesthesia, pain control, immobilization, relying on others for EVERYTHING. And guess what... I am ALIVE and better than I've ever been. Worrying about my health and what is going to happen to me did nothing to prepare me for that moment.

I am now on week 7 since the break and week 6 since surgery and I just started walking again with a walking boot. I am on the mend and have never been more thankful. Here's what I learned (that I will occasionally have to remember myself as anxiety rears its ugly head):

- no matter how much you worry, nothing will prepare you for the moment something happens. It will not feel like what you think, you will have no control over what happens next and you have to put your trust completely in your healthcare team. You have to trust modern medicine and listen to exactly what they tell you. No matter how scared you are you will get through it. I was absolutely TERRIFIED of anesthesia and almost backed out of surgery 5 minutes before they wheeled me back. If I would have backed out, I would be in a cast right now and have it until late July. Instead, I am walking and basically free!

- you will be AMAZED at what your body is capable of doing. Nothing puts faith in your own body like having a traumatic experience. I completely trust my body to know what's and fully trust that it will heal. Have faith in yourself that you will be fine and will make it through. Our bodies are some of the strongest most durable things on the planet. It's our mind that doesn't believe that.

I know that one of the biggest problems of hypochondriacs is losing control and not being able to prepare and predict what can happen, but when you're put through the exact thing you're dreading, and come out on top, it's one of the most freeing feelings in the world. Now I'm not suggesting or wishing a trauma on anyone else, but just know that you WILL make it through.

10-06-16, 18:21
Great post! Glad to hear everything worked out Ok!

What you relate has been told to me by a few others on this forum that have faced their worst fears. Your HA takes a back seat and you deal with things in the moment.

Often, and it appears this is the case with you as well, your anxiety lessens overall and remains in the back seat. Like you said, not wishing something traumatic on anyone, but when you actually experience it, it changes your perspective to the better overall.

Positive thoughts