View Full Version : health anxiety ten times worse after giving birth

10-06-16, 23:19
This is my first time on the site and I'm really comforted knowing there's other people out there who feel the same way I do. I've felt so alone for a long time.
I've suffered with health anxiety and panic attacks for as long as I can remember, CBT helped me a lot but I had my son in March and since then my anxiety has come back a hundred times worse. I'm convinced I'm going to die and leave my son without his mum. I'm convinced I either have epilepsy or a brain tumour and even though the doctor told me she didn't think I did I still can't get these thoughts out of my head. I Google obsessively and find new things to check myself for, but the worst part is I've started checking my baby now too.
I'm terrified he's going to get seriously ill and panic if he even throws up a little. I don't want him to grow up and inherit my behaviours.
I love him so much and want to be able to enjoy being a mum without worrying obsessively.

11-06-16, 02:48
Hi there - I wanted to let you know I was the exact same way. My daughter is almost 6 and while I suffered from health anxiety and panic and anxiety my entire life (as long as I can remember) it got SO much worse once she was born. I haven't figured out how to conquer it yet but you are not alone!

11-06-16, 18:13
I recently got put into contact with a lady from PSS who has got me trying something called "Mindfulness" it's basically like meditation and you can download apps for your phone. It's teaches you to stop and breathe and has all kinds of exercises for various anxieties and worries. You input what you are feeling that day and it's selects an excersise for you. It's hard when you've got a baby to find the time for anything but even if you have a few minutes to spare try it. It doesn't completely get rid of your anxiety but it helps to calm down if, like me, you find yourself on the verge of a panic attack. Hope it helps!

12-06-16, 00:56
i think a lot of people here can probably empathise with this. i've had anxiety over something or another since i was a child but never worried about my health until i had kids. now all it takes is a headache and i'm picturing myself saying goodbye to them for the last time.

funnily, i recently remembered mum telling me that when i was 3 or 4 and she was a single mother she would end up at the doctor's office all the time and was convinced she had various life-threatening illnesses, so i guess i'm a chip off the old block there.
