View Full Version : pregabalin: adding sertraline

11-06-16, 08:10
I'm currently on 300mg of pregabalin, I've been taking it for about 5 weeks now. I'm thinking of going on sertraline to help with depression.

Has anyone else here started out on pregabalin and then added sertraline?

Do the 2 mix well together?

Will I still have increased anxiety etc for a few weeks because of the sertraline, or will the pregabalin already deal with that?

Kiwi X

11-06-16, 23:12
Hi kiwi
I'm taking the same dose of Pregabalin myself, how are you getting on with it?
I'm talking an snri venlafaxine which is similar in many ways to Sertraline. From my understanding it is quite common to combine an ssri with Pregabalin, I don't tank it's anything to worry about. Everyone reacts differently to all these meds but Sertraline generally has fewer side effects than other anti depressants.
All the best.

12-06-16, 20:42
thanks Tims how do you find the 2 together?

The pregabalin is making me feel horribly flat currently

Kiwi x

14-06-16, 15:45
I had such a bad experience on pregabalin, never again

15-06-16, 00:15
Hi kiwi, I can imagine the Pregabalin making you feel flat, it hasn't been the wonder drug I expected to be honest, maybe I need to increase dosage. The Sertraline should help with the flat feeling. Please let me know how you get on.
Gonzo, how did you have a bad experience?


15-06-16, 20:30
Hi Tims, I really hope so going to ask the gp about it tomorrow. I'm taking my 300mg at night now, ok'd by gp. Hope they will let me start on sertraline. I've been off work for over a month now. I just can't cope with this flat feeling, I can't even interact normally because of it. just want to be feeling better.

Kiwi x