View Full Version : Tonsillitis worry

Elizabeth Fry
11-06-16, 12:21
I have been to the GP with swollen tonsil with white spots on it. I have had a fleshy scratchy feeling for a while. (Previously my dentist had checked the back of my throat and said all was ok just a raised papillae.) I had my tonsils removed when I was young. The GP says it's the lymph tissue left behind (and this can happen - read on Dr Google) and that I have tonsillitis. She gave me antibiotics, throat spray and Paracetamol. She is an excellent doctor who has been treating me for anxiety. Why am I so anxious and disbelieving of her diagnosis? This health anxiety seems uncontrollable - I worry and check for everything. My husband is very ill and anxiety levels are through the roof. I would appreciate comments as I am at my wits end.

11-06-16, 12:37
Hey :) As someone who has suffered terribly with tonsilitus most of my life it sounds like it could be that. So what though? It isn't anything a lot of rest and antibiotics won't cure. It is one of the most horrible illnesses but after 5 days you will be on the road to recovery. Think positive, I know it is hard! If you have anxiety or health anxiety you convince yourself you have allsorts!! I convinced myself recently that I had a DVT....it was in fact a pulled muscle from the gym!! Felt bloody stupid then! It seems very real at the time though.

Tonsilitus is vile but isn't anything to be scared of. In fact when I get it now I know it means a few days in bed/sofa with some old films and comfort food! Somneone recommended Tumeric to me (herbal) and to be honest it is brilliant for any infections like tonsilitus! I have tried allsorts too. Have a look online, cheap enough and works for me. I always take some on holiday with me now too as a little reassurance. :)

Elizabeth Fry
11-06-16, 13:38
Oh thank you for replying. What you've said is very reassuring. I now have pain in my jaw too, like toothache, so have taken Paracetamol.

Do you think it's possible to have a low grade infection for a while and then it builds up to tonsillitis? Sorry to burden you with yet another question.

You sound so positive. How do you cope with this?