View Full Version : Any experience of lipomas?

11-06-16, 12:21
Bit of info. I have had 3 babies by c section, last one 5 years ago. I have the horrible 'mummy tummy' but I'm a big girl anyway ( size 18)

I was lying in bed the other night & put my hand on my tummy & just happened to feel a lump, it's just under & to the left of my belly button, quite big & squashy & seems to be 'in the fat' the doctor says it's a lipoma & harmless.

Anyone else got one there? I'm trying not to worry but easier said than done.


11-06-16, 17:25
I just went through this! I've had a lump on my lower right back for years. I always assumed it was a lipoma. The difference is it's deep inside. Well, about a month or so ago, I started getting pain there. When I checked it was obvious it had grown a bit as I didn't remember it being as large before.

Well, the "scanxiety" kicked in a bit and I have to say I was a bit concerned due to the pain. The thing is, it didn't hurt to push on it. The pain was like a dull muscle ache in the entire lower right side of my back. I had an appointment coming with my GP the end of the month but decided to pay a visit this week. He checked it out and believed it was a lipoma but based on my history with cancer, sent me for an ultrasound. I'm waiting on the "official" results but the tech knew I was concerned and had the doctor take a look right away and he thinks it's a lipoma too. I'll talk to my GP in a few weeks and see what we can do. I'm up for having it cut out as it's causing me constant discomfort. We'll see.

People can get lipomas anywhere on their body. Like your doctor said and I know, they're harmless.

Positive thoughts

11-06-16, 17:48
Thank you, that makes me feel better, sorry you're going through it too though.
The doctor couldn't find it for ages but I made him feel again as I can feel it & I made my poor hubby have a feel too ��
I hope your results are ok, sure they will be though �� it's so scary finding lumps, it made me feel sick finding it, it ruined the last 2 days of my holiday.

12-06-16, 13:53
I'm thinking about getting a second opinion from another doctor. Or am I just giving into the dreaded anxiety? I'm not really sure but it's still worrying me. Im usually reassured by the doctor but not this time. I'm wondering how the doctor knows it's that by just feeling :/

12-06-16, 20:31
I have over two hundred all over my body.

Painful ones, big ones, small ones.

---------- Post added at 20:31 ---------- Previous post was at 20:23 ----------

They can tell by feeling because they have a very distinctive feel.

I would know if a lump wasn't a lipoma because I've felt so many of mine and know exactly how they feel. A GP can do the same.

12-06-16, 20:32
I'm wondering how the doctor knows it's that by just feeling :/

Lipomas are a very common thing. Doctors typically see hundreds of patients and have felt and seen lipomas thousands of times during their practice. When I went to my GP, initially the nurse practitioner diagnosed it as a lipoma, then my GP confirmed and sent me for the ultrasound to confirm. I probably wouldn't have been sent for the ultrasound if I didn't have a history of cancer. They were right as your doctor is right.

You can go for a 2nd opinion if you like but you're going to get the same answer and IMO, just keep the negativity alive and kicking. And, it's a costly reassurance seeking behavior. If you hear it again, what then? A 3rd opinion? 4th? It is what it is and nothing more. Nip it in the bud now ;)

Positive thoughts

12-06-16, 20:58
Thank you so much for the replies.

You are totally right, I just need to calm down about it!