View Full Version : Question for those with acid reflux

11-06-16, 15:43
This is for my 6 year old. She has acid reflux and high in sugar drinks don't set well with her, but she LOVES juice. So far all she can stomach is certain types of apple juice and watermelon juice( it's a real juice made by Tropicana). Does anyone have any other suggestions for drinks? She had fruit punch yesterday at my moms and she's been having a belly ache all night. It's a lot of experimenting on what works for her and I hate it! All the things kids should enjoy she can't have. Ice cream, cake etc. ice cream once in a while seems ok though. So any suggestions on foods/drinks we can try will be helpful. Thanks!

11-06-16, 16:15
Hi mislove. I am much older than six but I suffer from GERD. Juices are tricky because if there is any unnatural sugar I get it bad. It has to be real real juice. In my case, nothing citric, no pineapple. Berry juices work and apple - but only if nothing added. Also, juice on an empty stomach can bother me. With my reflux I nibble all the time, veggies, bread etc because even water on an empty tummie can get me going. Also, prop her up when she lies down like you do when they have a cough. It can make a huge difference. On a positive note, I have a 16 and 13 year old and many of the food issues they had they grew out of. Sometimes I wish cake would give them a gut ache now! Good luck!

11-06-16, 19:45
Thanks! She does take pepto and it does help her a lot. Sometimes when she eats something and gets a belly ache she gets a fever with it too. Don't really understand it but it always happens.