View Full Version : message from smudgie, ness

15-03-07, 10:29
hi All

Ive been able to send you a message from Nepal:shades: .
The trip has been the best medicine I could possibly have, it has given me a chance to find myself again, not completelt but hope I can come back with aa positive mind and hold onto it.

Im sending you all a postcard and wishing you all well, I will check again in a couple of days and say hi.
I wont be back until end of the month but I have found away to stay in contact with you, some times you dont get the connetion this is my fourth time of trying.
Take care All
Nesx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:winks:

15-03-07, 11:12
Oh how fantastic to get a postcard all the way from Nepal :D - hope you are having a whale of a time and we look forward to all the details on your return.

Love Piglet :flowers:

15-03-07, 13:36

Fantastic news..so pleased ye having a great time and ty for letting us know how it's going..
have a ball girlie xxx

15-03-07, 14:00
wow,how wonderful:yesyes: well done you:D Have a fab time.Oh boy what an experience!xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

15-03-07, 16:26
Wow Ness! I am so pleased you are having a good time and the holiday is doing you the world of good.

Enjoy the rest of your time in Nepal :)

Karen xx