View Full Version : Explosion like rush when trying to go sleep

11-06-16, 15:46
I've posted similar to this before and as it stopped happening i left it at that, but it's happened again a few times i will try and describe it best i can

I'll be either lying in bed eyes closed just thinking or trying to fall asleep when it happens, or it will be at the moment of falling to sleep..
I can sort of feel it build up so i think i know when it's going to happen sometimes, i get this 'surge' through my head and sometimes a sound with it like an explosion which makes me jolt upwards, it only lasts a second and then it's gone, but can happen over and over in one night. It's the sound that comes with it what i find peculiar its a loud bang or sometimes a clanging sound like two symbols being hit together.

I'm hoping this is anxiety and stress, i have been suffering with my neck for a while and find it difficult to get the right position to sleep in, the muscle/s around my collar bone and side of neck are sore and tense i don't know if this is related.
I have had quite a significant amount of emotional stress this last week so i'm thinking this could have caused this to return,

Any thoughts? :shrug:

11-06-16, 15:52
I've heard of the jolting being explained as your muscles relaxing, but your brain not being ready to fall asleep yet, and thus 'waking up' the sleeping muscles. Also, if you expect the sensation to happen, then it does happen. :) I think what you're describing is stress-related for the most part as stress makes it difficult for a person to switch off and go to sleep.

11-06-16, 16:01
I've heard of the jolting being explained as your muscles relaxing, but your brain not being ready to fall asleep yet, and thus 'waking up' the sleeping muscles. Also, if you expect the sensation to happen, then it does happen. :) I think what you're describing is stress-related for the most part as stress makes it difficult for a person to switch off and go to sleep.

Yeah it does make sense i suppose that my mind isn't 'shutting off' as it should but my body is relaxing. I wish it didn't scare me so much so i could just carry on trying to go to sleep, but when it happens i'm on edge then waiting for another lol

11-06-16, 16:03
Hehe yeah, everything is more scary when you're in that in-between state of wakefulness and sleep because you're less rational then. I really hope you manage to find a way to not think about it and anticipate it each night when you go to bed. Perhaps try listening to some relaxing music or counting your exhalations, focusing on your breath, or picturing yourself someplace relaxing.

11-06-16, 16:13
Hehe yeah, everything is more scary when you're in that in-between state of wakefulness and sleep because you're less rational then. I really hope you manage to find a way to not think about it and anticipate it each night when you go to bed. Perhaps try listening to some relaxing music or counting your exhalations, focusing on your breath, or picturing yourself someplace relaxing.

Yep listening to relaxation video's does help me drift off more easily sometimes, i suppose with it going for periods of time as well then that can only be a good thing, thanks

11-06-16, 16:20
I get this too, just as you describe, with a loud noise, like an explosion. Normally just as I'm falling asleep. It doesn't happen often but it started when my anxiety started and since nothing more serious has happened and it's been going on for over twenty years I'm guessing it's just anxiety related. Now that I'm used to it, it doesn't worry me and I ignore it and go to sleep. I would love a detailed explanation of what it us and how and why it happens though

11-06-16, 16:29
I get this too, just as you describe, with a loud noise, like an explosion. Normally just as I'm falling asleep. It doesn't happen often but it started when my anxiety started and since nothing more serious has happened and it's been going on for over twenty years I'm guessing it's just anxiety related. Now that I'm used to it, it doesn't worry me and I ignore it and go to sleep. I would love a detailed explanation of what it us and how and why it happens though

That's good to hear, not that you have to deal with it but you know because nothing has ever come of it lol the first time it happened i was convinced that noise couldnt have come from inside my head :ohmy: i will try to remain calm and not let it stop me from sleeping x

11-06-16, 16:43
Please don't worry I have been having similier I also have like surges of adrenaline and my muscles jolt .
I have spoken to a good friend of mine on here and it seems a common pattern .:hugs:

Mind I agree it's pretty alarming at the time and sometimes I end up just sitting up in bed to scared to try and sleep x

12-06-16, 06:06
Have you ever heard of Hypnagogia and Hynopompia? The first is the sleep stages a) failing sleep and b) within the first 2 hours of sleep. The latter covers the waking stage.

These are not conditions, they are natural sleep stages that ALL human beings go through. They have loads of known sleep phenomena that are not connected to anxiety but may appear more frequently in some cases.

The loud bangs are "Exploding Head Syndrome" and it's well known.

Quite a few of these possible occurrences come up on the forum so I think it's really important to read about them. For instance, you can experience visual or auditory hallucinations in these stages, which is quite normal, but people start to worry about Schizophrenia. Reading this would explain that it is natural and not indicative of what they fear. Sleep paralysis is another one and is part of this too.
