View Full Version : keep poking lymph nodes

12-06-16, 01:44
recent weird mole has had me checking my lymph nodes to see if they hurt or are enlarged & now i feel like every dull sensation in my body is a lymph node. im not really anxious, its more of a compulsive thing but i thought i should just share this anyway for people who are doing the same. i once read that enlarged nodes below the abdomen are linked to skin cancer & this is what started this. although i went to the dermatologist today for the mole & she said she doesn't think it's cancerous, my brain is telling me the cancer has spread to my lymph nodes. i started feeling the dull pain below my abdomen last year, & i went to the doctor but he said it was nothing, it went away after a few days. so maybe it's happening again & it's just a coincidence. but now i'm feeling dull sensations in my wrists, elbow crease, neck, underarm, thigh.. and i keep poking for lymph nodes. i managed to find the 2 on the sides of my neck but they seem normal. i think i also found the ones under my jaw, which are a bit scary as they seem quite big.. or maybe im feeling something else, i dont know. ive probably made all these places sore from poking. is it possible to have become desensitized to health anxiety so im suppressing the anxiety part of it & only having the thoughts/compulsions? & that suppressed anxiety is causing sensations/pains.. thats my theory anyway. im not sure what the point of this post was, but thanks for reading.

12-06-16, 02:33
Our brains are hyper-sensitive, overloaded by all the sensory input. The fight or flight response is simply looking for something to react to, you start looking/touching for things that feel off. Any pain is suddenly cancer, ALS, MS, heart issues etc.

I'm trying to use logic now to drown the panic, I tell myself JP you had high anxiety for 1 year now. What are the odds that the disease develops within that 1 yr window just when you're freaking out about everything? The answer is very very remote. It's not easy and my brain is able to fool me at times but the more time passes, the better I get at controlling it.

12-06-16, 17:41
Our brains are hyper-sensitive, overloaded by all the sensory input. The fight or flight response is simply looking for something to react to, you start looking/touching for things that feel off. Any pain is suddenly cancer, ALS, MS, heart issues etc.

I'm trying to use logic now to drown the panic, I tell myself JP you had high anxiety for 1 year now. What are the odds that the disease develops within that 1 yr window just when you're freaking out about everything? The answer is very very remote. It's not easy and my brain is able to fool me at times but the more time passes, the better I get at controlling it.

the thing with being logical is that even if you are being logical, the bottom line is that we ARE going to die one day. i think the best way to go about health anxiety is to be aware of all the different symptoms anxiety can create, and then you can differentiate from what is a real symptom and what is caused by anxiety. also, i think sometimes trying to apply logic to emotion causes confusion and friction. so if you feel anxious, let yourself feel anxious, as emotions are meant to be felt, but also keep in mind that those feelings may be irrational and that everything is probably fine; keep emotion & logic separate, i think this way it will naturally fizzle out eventually; similar to feeling socially anxious, sometimes when i feel like that i tell myself that, yes, im anxious, its irrational, but its normal, & theres nothing wrong with feeling anxious, as long as i keep in mind the reality of things & dont let the delusion consume me.

12-06-16, 18:14
the thing with being logical is that even if you are being logical, the bottom line is that we ARE going to die one day. i think the best way to go about health anxiety is to be aware of all the different symptoms anxiety can create, and then you can differentiate from what is a real symptom and what is caused by anxiety. also, i think sometimes trying to apply logic to emotion causes confusion and friction. so if you feel anxious, let yourself feel anxious, as emotions are meant to be felt, but also keep in mind that those feelings may be irrational and that everything is probably fine; keep emotion & logic separate, i think this way it will naturally fizzle out eventually; similar to feeling socially anxious, sometimes when i feel like that i tell myself that, yes, im anxious, its irrational, but its normal, & theres nothing wrong with feeling anxious, as long as i keep in mind the reality of things & dont let the delusion consume me.

:yesyes: I think that acceptance is my issue, heck I'm not even sure how I'll react when my dog passes. I also project my HA onto him, in fact it's probably worse because I know they have a short lifespan and there's so many potential diseases.

12-06-16, 18:29
:yesyes: I think that acceptance is my issue, heck I'm not even sure how I'll react when my dog passes. I also project my HA onto him, in fact it's probably worse because I know they have a short lifespan and there's so many potential diseases.

i dont even want to accept it, im hoping they find a way to make us immortal & reverse ageing before i die tbh