View Full Version : Any color-ers out there?

12-06-16, 05:23
Yes I'm aware that wasn't no good English. Ya that too. Well anywho... Does anyone color? I love my coloring books! They really do help me slow down and center myself. I recently got a new coloring book and I couldn't help just looking at it like a kid with a brand new toy. So pretty and untouched. The possibilities I could create! My hand might look like something from a sci-fi movie in a year or so but who cares?!! My new claw will come in handy for back scratches or scaring mean kids. ( just kidding) (maybe not). I also love that my daughter colors with me! Well spent mommy daughter time. Hey! Maybe we can having matching claws and go on the road! Oh boy. It's been a long day and I'm pretty tired. Maybe I should delete this post but I'm not gonna! Have a good night!

12-06-16, 19:47
Hi there , I've bought a couple of colouring books I keep trying them and don't finish a page my concentration isn't great at the moment , my granddaughter will rope me into one then she starts watching tv and I'm left on the floor colouring alone until my arms go numb , maybe I'll fish them out again this week and see if I can finish one , take care

12-06-16, 23:14
I have trouble walking away once I start one. I just love finishing one but it usually takes me 2-3 sittings to finish one

13-06-16, 01:49
I have a little Reader's Digest adult coloring book. I love it. I've started dating all the pages when I color them too.

It does take forever to color, and I can be so indecisive about which colors to use! But it's a good dilemma as opposed to a bad one, lol. Lately I've been knitting like mad to finish a teddy bear for a friend so haven't had a chance to color.

13-06-16, 03:59
I've thought about taking up knitting. I would love to be able to make stuff to give away. I'm the same way too lol most pics I just use the color that I want but some that I really like I plan a whole color scheme!