View Full Version : Help needed ..can't calm down

12-06-16, 07:15
Okay so I haven't been on here in ages but I'm anxious and really scared
I have a lump (size of a pea) that moves around in my mouth cheek.. The hospital felt it and reffered me for an urgent ultra sound .. I'm so worried it's mouth cancer! I wake up in a panic at night I've had it 6 weeks and I have a lot of mouth pains on that side and stuff going goijg on and 3 days ago started ear ache and sore throat all that side I'm not even sure what's going on with me but I'm so scared I can't sleep x

12-06-16, 08:24
maybe its a swollen gland because youre getting sick? Iget them all over my neck jaw cheeks and back before i get sick.

12-06-16, 16:46
Thanks for your reply.. I was hoping that but I've had it for 4 weeks and I've only felt poorly for 2 days xx

12-06-16, 17:28
My daughter gets swollen glands in her cheeks too. Small little lumps. Doctor confirmed they are glands. Sometimes they come up when she has no other symptoms but normally some time later she'll cone down with a cold or similar symptoms.
She had glandular fever some years back and I don't know if this has a bearing on it.
Just thought it may give you some reassurance to hear this.

13-06-16, 07:36
Thank you Becky that helps. Xx

13-06-16, 09:35
Where is it located? I've had a cyst in my cheek/lip. It's pretty common and harmless.

13-06-16, 09:40
I have a swolen Lymph Node in the back of my throat for quite some time now. It creates a pulling pain in my ear and makes the left side of my throat feel quite miserable for quite some time now and I have been to countless doctors because of it.

They checked it out and it's harmless.